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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide In Memory of Scotty Howell In Memory of Yuri Shumakov

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Tyers Series

The Flies of Stephen Seed

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Anatomy of a Fly

Salmon and Steelhead Hooks

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Stephen SeedStephen Seed has only been fly fishing for a few years and tying for even less, but he is a fast learner it seems. Either that or he is just naturally talented, as you can see from his flies. I hope as he continues to tie and learn, he will continue to share his flies with us on Salmonfly.Net. As always, I ask our contributors to say a little something about themselves, so read on, make sure take a look at his flies, and keep checking back as his pages grow with more contributions through the years.

My name is Stephen Seed and I have been fly fishing for about 3 years now and have recently taken up spey fishing. I have been tying flies for a little over a year now and enjoy doing so and teaching my kids also. I live 5 minutes from the Umatilla River about 30 minutes from the lower rock creek of the John Day and about an hour from the Deschutes which I enjoy fly fishing them all. I grew up right on the John Day River fishing for steelhead since I could walk. I still have a lot to learn and am becoming very successful and efficient when tying new patterns. I have to thank my wife Clarissa and my kids McKenzie, Sylar, Savannah and soon to come into our family, Addalynn, for helping support my dreams and my passion. I'd also like to thank my dad for getting me into fishing for steelhead at a young age and starting my passion for fishing.

Tight Lines  

Stephen Seed

The Flies

Steelhead Bunny
Steelhead Bunny
Green Spey
Green Spey
Purple and Orange Spey
Purple and Orange Spey
  Strip Tease
Strip Tease
Purple Streetwalker
Purple Streetwalker
Peacock Candy
Peacock Candy


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