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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Yuri Shumakov 

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Apache Shrimp (Atkins)

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Apache Shrimp by Albert Atkins

Name Apache Shrimp
Category Atlantic Salmon, Low Water Shrimp
Hook Size 6 to 12, Salmon Hook
Thread Black
Tag Flat or Oval Silver Tinsel
Tail Golden Pheasant Red Breast Feather
Rear Body Golden Yellow Floss
Ribbing Oval Silver Tinsel
Middle Hackle Golden Yellow Hackle
Front Body Scarlet Floss
Ribbing Oval Silver Tinsel
Front Hackle Scarlet Hackle
Head Black

This pattern came from the fine book by Peter O'Reilly, Trout & Salmon Flies of Ireland. He writes that the Shrimp Fly was invented and used by Pat Curry of Coleraine. He tied the original Curry's Red Shrimp. The variations on this fly are so numerous now, that it is one of the most popular flies used in Ireland today. A Low Water Shrimp Fly should be worked to give it life. In slacker flows it should be worked in short darts; In faster flows, it should be jigged less frequently around the arc, letting the current do most of the work. 

468 x 60 Fly Fishing

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