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Leons Montana "The Reaper"
Originated and Tied by Guthrie Fly

Leons Montana The Reaper

Name Leons Montana "The Reaper"
Category Salmon/Steelhead
HookKamasan Classic Lure Extra Long Size 8 or 10
TailBlack Marabou Turkey
BodyWeighted with Lead Wire First ,Then Apply Lureflash Suede Chenille (Black)
HackleDyed Indian Cock Cape (Black)
HeadBlack thread built up Round and Large Painted Eye s White & Black (Covered with Clear Epoxy Glue)
Dipper VaneFitted but Optional (See Leon's Dipper Vane)
CommentsGood reliable fly in coloured water and evening Fishing.
Fishing TipsRetrieve with 1 foot pulls stopping on occasion to allow to sink

This pattern was originated and tied by Leon Guthrie of Galashiels, Scotland. The Dipper Vane (which see), is an invention that Leon uses to add action to some of his flies. He writes "I don't know how far your fly tyers go into making special flies. Some of my flies designed for Salmon include a special vane attached to the head of the final fly. This makes the fly wobble and dip in the water whilst the fly is being retrieved and gives the fly a realistic movement in the water."

You can see many more flies from Leon by visiting his page on this site, The Flies of Leon Guthrie.


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