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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Scotty Howell In Memory of Yuri Shumakov

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Reverse Spider (Kinney)

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Revers Spider 

Name Reverse Spider
Category Sea-Run Cutthroat
Hook TMC 200R, 4-10 (Used to expose more hook leading to less missed takes)
Thread Black, Danville 6/0
Tail Lady Amherst Tippett
Body Black Chenille, with successively wider wraps to look like a carrot (2/3 of body, also to expose more hook)
Hackle Mallard Flank, Lady Amherst, or Goose Flank tied in reverse direction

The pattern for this fly, came from the fine book by Les Johnson Fly-Fishing Coastal Cutthroat, Flies, Techniques, Conservation. In it Mike Kinney writes about how this fly came about and about different materials that he experimented with.

The rest is history, as the saying goes. The Reverse Spider has become one of the most successful and popular flies in the Northwest for Sea-Run Cutts. Read more about it in Les Johnson's book.






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