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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Yuri Shumakov 

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MadFlash Tube Shrimp, Designed and tied by Scott Howell

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MadFlash Tube Shrimp, Tied By Scott Howell

Name MadFlash Tube Shrimp
Category Salmon/Steelhead
Tube HMH/Kennebeck River Single Wall Small (3/32" O.D.) Plastic Tubing
Tag Fine Silver Oval Tinsel and Benecchi's 'Coral' Iridescent Thread
Tail Mixed Orange and Yellow Bucktail with sparse strands of Pearl and Black Krystal Flash
Body Don Johnson's "MadFlash" Spectrumized (Red) Dubbing - with Natural GP Rump Feathers tied as a collar at the joint ahead of the Eyes
EyesUmpqua Nymph Mono Eyes - Large
RibSmall Silver Oval Tinsel (over 2d part of Body)
CollarNatural GP Rump Feathers (tied long)
HeadDanville Fl/Fire Orange no-wax Flymaster Thread

Tube flies have long been popular in Scandanavia and Europe and have just recently enjoyed some popularity in the United States. This Scott Howell Tube Shrimp pattern looks like it would be highly effective for Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon and Steelhead. You can see more of Scott Howell's flies at The Flies of Scott Howell and see his notes about this fly below.

Scotty's Notes: One of the most unique elements of this easy-to-tie pattern is the dubbing itself. Don Johnson's "MadFlash" dubbing is a 'spectrumized' blend of ultra-fine synthetics that lends itself well to any pattern - especially this design, which called for a subtle 'glowing' effect with lots of motion and depth. "MadFlash" is currently available through Don's company, Canyon Creek Angling in Shelton, WA. 

 468 x 60 Fly Fishing

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