This story begins in Yew, where you meet Kelvin at his prison cell. He tells you he was framed for murder, and asks you to investigate his home in Britain. You can talk to the judge about it at this point, but he only asks you for evidence. At his home in Britain, you find a note the assassins carelessly left. It indicates they framed Kelvin, in order to keep him away from their plot to assassinate Lord British. It also says their forces are in Dardin's Pit. Take this note back to Kelvin in Yew, and he will ask you to plead his case to the judge. Talk to the judge again, and he will let Kelvin go. Return to Kelvin, let him join your party, and take him home to Britain. Now, the plot thickens. Take the note to Lord British, and he will ask you to investigate Dardin's Pit. On the third level, you find the assassins, with more information regarding another framed person named Dardin. Return these plans to Lord British for a reward. Ah, but it doesn't stop there. Once the assassins are defeated, you can journey to the eighth level, and visit Dardin himself. You can let him know the secret behind the assassin's guild, and he will ask you to relay this information to the judge back in Yew. Do this, then return to Dardin. After letting him know the outcome of the judge's decision, he gives you a reward.