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Living a Peaceful Life

The Taoist follows a very serene, passive, and content existence. Not all of them directly follow the Tao Te Ching, but the Tao Te Ching is a book of common sense. It is filled with the things we should already know. It teaches us how to live a daily life that is satisfying and brings happiness. The "Sage" releases himself from the realm of normal thinking. He* sees everything in perspective of the Tao. He sees every process, happiness, sadness, life and death, as part of the flow of the Tao. He accepts it as a part of his life.

The Action (Or rather, the non-action)

The foolish expend a great deal of energy and time trying to do everything and end up achieving nothing. On the other end of the spectrum, the truly wise don't seem to do much at all and yet achieve whatever they want. This magic is possible, indeed unavoidable, when one is in tune with the Tao.
It is difficult to explain, but go to the Body Section for an example.


So often we perform virtuous deeds hoping to receive praise or recognition. That's no virtue at all. True virtue is a state where such actions flow forth naturally, requiring no conscious effort or thought. Are your motivations for your actions virtuous? Do you love attention, compliments, and esteem?

The Opposites

This is something that many people have a hard time accepting. It is the duality of Taoism. We must accept all opposites as a balance of a whole. If dark did not exist, neither would the light. If you find your self wishing that there was no evil in the world, think again. If there were no evil there could be no good, for what could "good" be compared to?

Enjoyment and Fulfillment

Enjoyment of life must start with casting away comparisons and judgments. These are what cause us to feel unpleasant things. The taste of vinegar can be sweet, the feeling of sickness can be pleasurable, the smell of garbage can be pleasant. It is to enjoy all things because they are a part of the Tao and a part of nature.

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