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Here's yet another update page!!

DEC 30/00~~Ek probably the last time I'll write 00--CRAZY...anyways I added Horoscopes, funnies, put the awards we won back on

Also we have a new feature !!OUR OWN AWARD!! kick ass eh?? I know I know---so now going to the polls or just submitting your site is worth it!!!

Also I made the site a banner so if anyone wants to past it on their site please let me know?? THANX A BUNCH Jen

DEC 12/00~~ WOW AN UPDATE---u may have noticed there's been a bunch of new stuff around--I want to start getting back in this stuff sooooo hopefully people will start coming back!!! I put in a new poll today--and some new graphics and stuff--all I need u guys to do is visit and start writind again!!

OCT 24/00~~ Added another chapter to Truth and Consequences.

SEPT 25/00~~ Hey hey Jen here, I added a new chapter to Truth and COnsquences!!! ENJOY

SEPT 23/00~~ HEy Hey! It's BECKY! I added a poem of mine, and I also added Becky's chapter 7 to Mirror Images!!! Check it out, i'ts really good, guess it's my turn! EEK! Hehehe ok. I also added chapter 8 to MINe and JEn's Story, Truth and Consequences!!! Your turn JEn!!

SEPT 22/00~~ Hey I finally updated Mirror Images!!!! WAHOO for me---I think it's Becky Longs turn now???


AUG 29/00~~I updated MIrror Images--chapter 5--Guess it's my turn again!

AUG 26/00~~ Sorry bout the lack of updates--I'm lazy...But I have put up the new chapter of mirrior images fresh off the presses!!! Chapter 4 check it out!!

Aug 15/00~~ I made this update page..haha

Past Past Updates!!
Past Updates!!