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Fan Fiction - The Sentinel

Call Me by Michka - GEN
A phone call from a stranded Blair.

Santa Claus by Michka - GEN
Two little boys ask, "Is there a Santa Claus?" and get two very different answers.

Raising Blair by Michka - in progress - GEN
Stories from Blair's childhood.

E-Mergency by Michka and Maverick
GEN Version
Slash Version

Blair has a problem, Jim is being less than helpful.

Endearments by Michka and Maverick - SLASH
Every guy has a name for it, Jim and Blair learn each other's.

I'm Dead - Obsenad Writing Challenges by Michka and Maverick
We had to write for 5 minutes starting with the line, "I am dead. The inevitable cannot be changed."

Debt of Honor by Michka and Maverick
- in progress -

Gen so far, we'll let you know if that changes

Stress Fracture - Missing Scene after Cypher by Michka
- in progress -

Gen so far, I'll let you know if that changes