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Donegal Australian Shepherds


Donegals A Wink And A Kiss
DOB 06/03/02
Bred by:  Debbie Kishineff of Richmond BC Canada

9/29/02 - Wink won Best of Breed Puppy on Sunday under Terri Morgan at the CASC shows at Orchards Park!

9/8/02 - Winks got Best of Breed Puppy today!  CASC Show at Orchards Park

BOBP - Donegals A Wink And A Kiss - 'Winky'
Scarlet of Donegal - 'Scarlet'

Scarlet of Donegal
DOB: 04/30/02
Bred by:  Anthony and Kim Dinsmore of Bonner's Ferry, ID

9/28/02 - Scarlet won Best of Breed Puppy on Saturday under Selena Poplin at the CASC shows at Orchards Park!

Lorena's Progeny

ASCA CH Donegal Christmas Dream Boy

CH Donegal Christmas Dream Boy 4 pt Major Seattle AKC
Dree won Winner's Dog, Best of Winner's at the Seattle AKC show on Saturday!!! Way to go! Dree also won 1st place in agility for his second leg! I am so proud of you, Katie and what you're accomplishing with Dree!!!

Previously . . .
Dree won Winner's dog Saturday, 01/12/2003, under Col. Wm Gish at Puyallup.  Friday he won Reserve!  Nice going Katie!  The 1st leg in agility was fun, too!

Donegal Christmas Dream Boy BOW 7/6/02
Dree is training for obedience, conformation, and Junior Handling with owner, Katie Knudtson.

September 8, 2002:  Donegal Christmas Dream Boy finished his ASCA Champion title taking Winners Dog at the CASC Orchards Park show under Judge Gary Dunlop.
Beautiful job, Katie!

July 8, 2002 - ASCA Summer Spectacular, Graham, Washington - My dogs have done well at the Graham shows.  Donegal Christmas Dream Boy,"Dree," won the points Friday and Saturday.
May 13, 2001 Donegal Christmas Dream Boy wins BOBP under Judge Liz Gibson.
Dree's littermate, Donegals Christmas Snowfall, "KC," owned by Katie Comfort, got High In Trial Obedience on Friday, and 1st place on Saturday, then got his third leg today for his CD!  It is fun to hear about all the wins my friends and dogs have made over the weekend. KC with his ribbons after completing his CD

November 17th & 18th, 2001, Donegal Christmas Aisling takes Reserve Winner's Bitch both days!  "Angel" is growing into such a beauty!

ASCA AKC CH De Abajo Double Latte' Donegal - "Pepe"

Pepe 2001 ASCA Summer Spectacular Best of Breed/Best of Show July 2001: Pepe now has 23 Best of Breed wins.  7/2/01 he got Best of Breed and Best In Show under Judge M. Wageman.
Sept 1999: "Pepe" De Abajo's Double Latte'Donegal, wins a Premiere Award of Merit at the 1999 ASCA Nationals!
He also won 2 premieres out of 3 preshows Pepe is ASC of WA "Conformation Dog of the Year" for 1999-his third year in a row!

Pepe's Progeny

Pepe's son, Winslows Boston Tea Party "Boston", finished under Becky DeLeon on July 7, 2002 with his 5th Major and a 5 ptr!   Feb 9 2002 he won Winner's Dog (3 pt major) at the ASC WA ASCA show under judge Lisa Cameron and continued his winning ways on the 10th with Winner's Dog, Best of Winner's and Best of Breed under judge Gary Dunlap (5 pt major)!
Owned, loved and trained by Margi Floyd Winslow Australian Shepherds!  Congratulations, Margi!

Trouble on sheep Trouble got her Ranch Trial Dog on Sheep under Rachel Vest at the Langley Trial August 2.  She is now Winslows Double Trouble, STDds RTDs!  She and Margi are getting ready for Open s/d and Started Cattle at Brigand's in October!  Good luck at the trial, Margi!! Trouble

Pepe's progeny are doing well!  At the Rose City Classic "Xena" Looking Glass Warrior Princess RS-O,RJ-O,RG-N, now has her AKC and ASCA CD!  She also got her AKC Novice Standard Agility Title.

"Banker" (right) Looking Glass Money Talks, Xena's littermate, got his Open Standard title and his Novice Jumpers title!  Bryce and Pat Hutchinson of Rogue Valley OR are enjoying these beautiful and smart dogs!  Bryce took Banker into Excellent Standard on his last day (his 1st time in Excellent) and he won 1st place!

Banker is doing wonderfully at agility

Blue Isle's Wings of Donegal - "Popcorn"

Blue Isle Wings of Donegal ["Popcorn" to those who know him] has started on the road to his AKC and ASCA Championships.  Watch for Popcorn at the fall and winter shows! Blue Isle Wings of Donegal
Feb 3, 2002: "Popcorn" wins Winner's Dog at the Seattle Kennel Club AKC Show under Mr. Murray.

Popcorn's Progeny

Pippin Pippin, a Popcorn daughter, finished her CKC Championship!  Owned by Melanie Graf of Berghof Australian Shepherds. Left: Popcorn; Right: Pippin
Pippin, 9 mos.

Christmas Show, 2001

December 8 & 9:  Anoki won BOBP Saturday and Ron won BOBP Sunday.   Dree took Reserve Winner's Dog both days at the Christmas Show!   Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hill judging.  Lorena got BOS under Mrs. Dave Hill.  It was a wonderful weekend for us!

CKC CH Donegal Snowbound Crowd Teaser - "Teaser"

July 2000: "Teaser" won WB, BOB at the at ASC of Wa Summer Spectacular! She needs just one point to finish her ASCA Championship.

Donegal Mini HaHa - "Mini"

January 2001: Mini got 2 points and BOB on Friday last at the CKC show with Michelle Sorba handling.

December 2000: Mini HaHa was awarded the Puppy of the Year award for the Record of Merit of the Australian Shepherd Club of Washington for the year 2000.  We are very proud of Mini and will continue to show her in the puppy classes in 2001.

October 2000: Judge Cheryl Whited gives Best of Breed Puppy to Topper's puppy, Donegal Mini HaHa! (Mini)

ASCA AKC CH Donegal Premiere Rulz - "Mugsy"

Feb 3, 2002 Mugsy goes Best of Breed at the Seattle Kennel Club Show under Mr. Murray!  Way to go!

Jan 11, 2002 Mugsey goes Best of Breed at the Western Washington Cluster, Tacoma Kennel Club, under Mr. Thompson.  Shown by Kristyn Maddox, our beloved friend.  Thanks for showing Mugsy and loving him SO MUCH!

ASCA CKC AKC CH Donegal's Timaru Step In Style CGC STDds - "Topper"

October 2000: AKC/ASCA/CKC Ch. Donegals Timaru Step In Style,CGC,STDds (Topper) won Best of Breed at the ASC of Rogue Valley Saturday, October 28, 2000, in Central Point, Oregon, under judge, Cheryl Whited.

July 2000: "Topper" completes his requirements for his STD Ducks and Sheep and takes BOB the same day!

Nov 1999: "Topper" finished His ASCA Championship quickly after Nationals-taking BOB over Specials!

Sept 1999: "Topper" Placed fourth in Open Blue at the California ASF National preshow!

Country-Ways Red Hot Salsa "Taco"

Feb 10, 2002:  "Taco" won a 5 point major at Shelton, WA under judge Gary Dunlap!

Taco's son, Tucker has his AKC/ASCA CD, as well as his NA, OAJ, and FDCH (flyball dog champion).  Tucker is an active member of the Puget Sound Flyers half-time act for the NBA and NHL.

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