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Cover art: O Meu Mundo não É deste Reino, by João de Melo; Jacket design: Taller Universo, Miguel Angel Pacheco, Javier Serrano--copyrighted material   

NEWSFLASH May 2003 -- Gregory Rabassa's excellent translation of the de Melo novel finally sees the light of day...The Aliform Group, a Minneapolis publisher and distributor of Latin American and world literature, will release My World Is Not of This Kingdom by João de Melo, translated by Rabassa, in Summer 2003.

MARGIN originally published two chapters (in both English and Portuguese) from the book in the spring of 2000 before the translated manuscript had been accepted for publication.

Congratulations to Dr. Gregory Rabassa for his success in bringing this best-selling work of European magical realism to the English-speaking world, with our special thanks to The Aliform Group for knowing world-class literature when they see it.

Click to read this Portuguese-only excerpt from chapters 11 and 12 of
O MEU MUNDO NÃO É DESTE REINO (15 pages, in two parts)

Or, click to read this first-time release of Rabassa's English translation:
MY WORLD IS NOT OF THIS KINGDOM (16 pages, in two parts)

Click to read an excerpt available as a PDF file at The Aliform Group website


A B O U T    J O Ã O    D E    M E L O
JOÃO DE MELO was born in the Azores in 1949 and currently lives and teaches university-level Portuguese in Lisbon, Portugal. His works include the much celebrated and award-winning Gente Feliz Com Lágrimas (1988), Autópsia De Um Mar De Ruínas (stories, 1988), Os Anos De Guerra (anthology, 1988), Bem Aventuranças (stories, 1992), Dicionário De Paixões (1994) and O Homem Suspenso (1996). O Meu Mundo Não É Deste Reino is in its sixth edition.

A B O U T    G R E G O R Y    R A B A S S A
GREGORY RABASSA was born in 1922 in Yonkers, New York. He has translated many works of Latin-American fiction into English, but is best known for translating One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. A graduate of Columbia University, he currently teaches at Queens College and sits on the editorial advisory committees of several literary journals, including Brasil/Brazil, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts and Hopscotch. Major translations include Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar as well as works by Miguel Angel Asturias, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Amado and many other Latin American writers. The New York Times, in 1976, dubbed Rabassa "one of the best translators who ever drew breath." Rumor has it Rabassa will translate de Melo's Gente Feliz Com Lágrimas as soon as O Meu Mundo Não É Deste Reino finds an American publisher. Stay tuned.

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