Gala of Cape Way
Ch Gala of Long Worth
Gallant Dixie of Longworth
Gallantine's Bettina v Edenwald
Gane-Alli's Alba W47
Ch Gansi v Graustein
Garlic of Bihari Wonder
Ch Garry of Benlore ROM
Garry of Flowdale
Garry vd Vosefeld UD
Gary's Duke of Munich W56
Gay Duska of North Woods
Ch Geier v Blaisenberg
Geisha of LaSalle
Geisha of Longworth
Ch Gelda of Long Worth
Gelmo v Hooptal
Gena von Wendel *70
General Mark of San Miguel
General Zhukoff of Darhill CD
Ch George of Seamair
Gerhardt vd Walden
Gero v Hohenzollern
Eng/Irish Ch Gerolf of Brittas
Gerri v Hooptal
Ch Gerri v Oberklemm
Gerta of Chatsworth
Gerts Heidi Boku
Gertrud the Keen Jumper
Gethel v Oldenburg
Gibson Girl of Tatarus
Gilda of La Sierra W47
Ch Gilda of Long Worth
Giles of Dornwald II
Gill of Haddon
Gin v Lierberg SchH3
Gin-Jo's Chardash von Panthre
Ginger of Ferndale
Ginger of Hickory Hill
Ginger Royale of Path Finder
Gino Prinzessin W58
Giralda's Afra v Erlengrund
Giralda's Beaver
Giralda's Clyde
Giralda's Comet
Giralda's Crown Prince
Giralda's Dawn*
Giralda's Day*
Giralda's Denby
Giralda's Dolly
Giralda's Dudley
Giralda's Elsa
Ch Giralda's Gelmar
Giralda's Irene
Ch Giralda's Iso v Doernerhof ScH
Giralda's Isolda
Giralda's Lady Winsome
Giralda's Miller *48
Giralda's Nan W41
Giralda's Nyssa *49
Giralda's Olive
Giralda's Ophelia
Ch Giralda's Pixie
Ch Giralda's Playboy
Giralda's Polka
Ch Giralda's Rosalie CDX
Ch Giralda's Teuthilde v Hagenscheiss
Giralda's Thea II W42
Giralda's Trix W42
Giralda's Tully W42
Giralda's Yama
Giralda's Yarra W43
Giralda's Yates W43
Giralda's Ysabel W43
Giralda's Yseult W43
Giralda's Yvette
Giralda's Zachary *43
Gisa v Kameltal
Eng Ch Gitana of Combshill
Gitta vom Menkenmoor
Glen Ellyn Prince
Glendhenmere's Niko
Gloria of Longworth *45
Glucklich Hirt von Ives
Gockel v Bern
Godiva of LaSalle
Ch Goeffrey of Browvale
Goeffrey of Rocky Reach CD
Goetz v Sonnenbachtal
Gold Star W53
Golden Boy II W46
Golden Lady V
Golden Medley's King W
Golden's Dutchess Paprika
Golden's Valo Wolverhampton
Goncourt's Chief of Ayron
Go-Tee v Graham of Gould
Gottfried von Wolverhantz
Graf Eberhard v Hohen Esp
Graf Fritz von Stephanitz W67
Grafin von Branntwein
Grafmar's Easter Lily W43
Grafmar's Happy Warrior
Grafmar's Odin of Rocky Reach
Graham of Tussie
Graham's Rin Tin Tin of Mar-Joe W
Ch Granza of Rocky Reach
Gras Strahland Flamone
Ch Grassland's Hector Von-D-Ker
Gray Pride of Winterport
Great Oak's Allure *55
Greatcrest Dusk (England)
Green Meadows White Cloud W72
Ch Greenpoint's Royal Falko CD
Greenpoints Sprite Moritz
Greif (Sparwasser)
Greif II(Sparwasser)
Greif vom Cito-Haus
VA, Ch Greif vom Elfenhaim SchH3ROM
Greif von Heidelberg
Grenada's Ingrid
Grendamar's Hans
Greta of Furthermore *55
Greta of Haven W56
Greta of San Miguel
Greta v Liebestraum II
Gretana von Liebestraum
Gretchen of Cloudland
Gretchen of Elmwood
Gretchen of Glen Mary *45
Gretchen of San Miguel II
Gretchen II of San Miguel
Gretchen v Baumgarten W46
Gretchen von Waldanberg
Gretchen's Caribou Lady
Grete v Grafrath
Grete von Haus Hafner
Sgrn Gretel Uckermark
Gretel v Schura W43
Gretta of Bennett Springs
Grettahove's Hamie
BrS Grimm vd Fahrmuhle SchH2
Grindle's Gee Gee
Eng Ch Grizel ofCombshill
Guide Dog's Doris W46
Gundi of Meadow Brook
Ch Gusto of Maclan
Gypsy XIII W52
Gypsy of Hunter
Gypsy Queen of Woodside
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