Icko von Nordenham
Idore of Longworth
Iko vd Uckermuhle SchH3
Ila of LaSalle II
Ilex of Longworth
Ilke vom Glockenrain
Illa vd Gaube
Illa vd Lillisruh
Illa v Oppeln-Ost
Ilo of KK
Ch Ilo of Robbinswood
Image of Ramar O'Merryvale
Immo v Hasenfang
Imperial of Longworth
Ina v OsnabruckerLand
Ch Indigo of Brittas
Indigo Storm W58(England)
Inez of Long-Worth
Inez van de Oldehove W
Inga of Walruth W46
CzSgr Ingo v Piastendamm SCH
Ingo Wikingerblut
GVCh Ingo Wunschelrute ROM
Ingosohn of Erol
Iowa King W51
Ir-Lin's Cinda *54
Iran vd Kisselschlucht SchH1
Irbit of Long Worth
Irene van de Oldehove *
Iris v Fohlenbrunnen
Irma van de Oldehove*
Isolde von Wolkentau
Ch Iva of Rocky Reach
Ivar of Walruth W46
Ivory Angel von White Acres W72
Iyar of Long Worth
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