Paddy of Longworth
Padre of Longworth
Pagano's Fritz
Pagina vd Natternburg
Pajun's Captain of Korel-Dree CDX
Pal of Daksland *48
Pal of LaSalle W44
Palano's Makenani *53
Pam of Gwynllan *53
Pamela of Rocky Ledge
Pamela v Ornerheim
Pamela von Furstenberg W62
Ch Pandora II
Parrish's Champagne W
Pat K Vonderstrasse
Patricia v Dyck
Patsy Lecanto v Cebe
Patsy of Wohlgeboren
Patty of Loveleigh W
Patty von Deuringerwald
Paula v Polizeiprasidium Munchen (Paula v Polizei Munchen)
Paulinda v Ornerheim
Pax of Edgetowne CD
Pax of Longworth
Pax vd Kriminalpolizei
Pearl of Maple View
Pearl of Tusco
Peddacre's Buccaneer
Peddacre's Mac
Peer Gynt of Wolverhampton
Peffer II of San Miguel
Peffer Roe of San Miguel
Peggy Ann of San Miguel
Peggy of Winslow
Penelope of Westervelt W70
Penn-Wood Lofer v Verd Mont
Penny of Hillcrest
Penny Taffy *556
Penny von Schwartzpels
Penra's Mein Rufnek
Pensive Lad *
Pepper of Grabow's Ranch
GVCh Perchta v Bern
Perky of Rocky Reach
Ch Perle Romerblut
Perle vd Krone
Perle v Zollgrenzschutz-Haus
Ch Peter of Browvale
Ch Peter of Garastanna
Peter of LaSalle
Peter of LaSalle II
Peter vd Berg CDX
Sgr Peter vd Pritschen
Petz ad Leiningerfeld
Pfef of Hobby House
Sgr GVCh Pfeffer v Bern ZPr MH1
Ch Pfeffer vd Secretainerie SchH3
Phaedra of Wolverhampton
Phantom v Verd Mont
Sgrn Pia v Haus Schutting
Pilgrim of Geomar
Pilot (bro to Beowulf)
Pilot v Hoheluft
Pinkey of Farnsworth *59
Pinky of Mecca la Jolla
Pirate of Kentuc CD
Ch Pirol vd Buchenhohe
Pixie v Liebestraum
Pixy of Hobby House W46
Pola Liebestraum
Polar v Liebestraum W
Polaris von Hefflin
Polly Watts
Pollux (behind Horand v Grafrath)
Polo of Rathmore W
Pond View's Billman
Ch Portrait of Long Worth
Ch Power City of DeGiassi
Prant von der Ruine Engelhaus
Pride of Briarnole
Prince Alba
Prince Amor of Tatarus
Prince Kelly of Glendale W63
Prince Leon van de Oldehove *43
Prince Loyal van de Oldehove
Prince Mojansteu *56
Prince of Edgemont *54
Prince of Glendale W
Prince Pilson of Tatarus
Prince Rocky v Shepwold
Prince Thor's Silver
Prince von der Ave
Princess Beauty of Kurtz Home W55
Princess Chieoke W
Princess Des Chartel W
Princess Diana
Princess Erika of Timber
Princess Gala O'the Maples *
Princess Margaret veon Leo
Princess Mary Ann W56
Princess Michelle II W56
Princess Minnasauck
Princess of Geo-Lynn-Moor
Princess of Merrick W52
Princess of San Miguel III W70
Princess of Villa Marina
Princess Ora of Destry
Princess Pat of Edinburgh
Princess Pat von der Kempter
Princess Patty vd Oldehove
Princess Sonya W57
Princess Stephanie *57
Princess Val W57
Princess Vicki of Longworth
Princess von Destry *57
Princess von Furstenburg
Princess von Hubbard
Princess von Wolke W66
Prinz Lamie v Shepwold
Prinz Mikhail Rudine W51
Prinz Rac vd Krone
Prinz von Grafrath
Prinz von Schwartzenwald
Priority of Beach Cliff
Promise of Hallanfold
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