Racker v OsnabruckerLand
Rael's Patricia Ann
Ramona of Sunnyside
Rando v Haus Schutting
Randy of Maji
Randy v Liebestraum
Ranger Fjord Kleinsteffen
Ranger of LaSalle
Rani of Hobby House
Rani of Murree W
Raps Piastendamm
Rapunzel of Beach Cliff
Rasant v Gulich of Evergreen
GVCh Rasant v Holzheimer Eichwald SchH2
Raudavatn Deipyle W54
Ray-Mor's Nother Viking
Raydar von Duffelberg
Rayne of Jacmar
Razam of Mazar W54
Reba Leigh W57
Rebecca of Maji
Ch Rebeckah(or Rebekkah?) of Long Worth
Rebel von Cebe
Rebel von Lowenbrau
Rebel von Spessartwald CD
Recko of Gwynllan
Red Kove's Audrey of Jay-Mar W70
Red Kove's Lance of Graserlund
Red Top Delight *55
Reif von der Wuste
Reinzucht's Flame
Reinzucht's Myra
Reipel vd Schnellenburg HGH
Ch Remus of Gainwell
Renard's Prince W
Ch Renown of Long Worth
Sel Ch Rex Edlu-Mibach
Rex Gelert of LaSalle
Rex Hanwell of Perryvale
Rex of B'Gosh
Rex of Strasbourg
Rex v Arno
Rex von Corcoran II W53
Rex von der Eckersmuhle
Rex v Kiesselbach
Ch Rex v Liebestraum II
Rex von Millstein W63
Rex von Stroeheim *61
Rex von Volik
Rex's El Sabre of Charay Jr
Rhaedia of Wolverhampton
Rhinehart's Lady Patricia
Rhonda of Oakmere
Ria of Gwynllan *44
Rica of San Miguel CD
Ricardo v Rheinlandsgold
Rich's Pastor W44
Ricky's Queen W
Rigo v Brenztal
Rim vom Liebestraum
Rima of Gwynllan CD
Rin Tin Tin II
Rin Tin Tin IV
Rin von Kleistweg
Rinnie of Ridgewood
Rinny of Franell *56
Rin's White Gold W55
Rinty von Liebestraum
Rip Tide W52
Rip Van von Stormwald W61
Ch Rippling Rhythm of Long Worth
Rise v Liebestraum
Rita von Dor-Bern
Ch Rita of Rocky Reach
Riverdell's Amroth
Robben's Birdie CDX
Robby's Beau Brummel *46
Roberta of Longworth
Roberta of Wolverhampton's
Robertson's Lady Gretchen W54
Robin v Sinclair W
Rock of Powellhurst
Rocket of LaSalle W
Rocket of Ridgewood W
Rocky of Maji
Rocky of Windy Pines
Rocky von LaSalle
Ch Rodan of San Miguel
Rokes of Longworth UD
Rola v Ebenholz
03Sgr Roland v Park
Roland v Riedekenburg
06-07Sgr Roland v Starkenburg
Rold von Schiffernburg
Rolf of Beaumont
Rolf of Gwynllan II
Rolf v Holgastein
VA Rolf v OsnabruckerLand SchH3FH
Romaine vom Liebestraum
Romana Michelane
Ch Romane Peppino
Rommel von Kaiserhof
Rommel's Aro of Glendale
Romona of Cosalta
Ch Ronno van de Oldehove
Ronze of Ettenbourne *
Rorik of Grafmar
Rory of Long Worth
Rosamunde of Tatarus
Rose vd Grube
Rosel v OsnabruckerLand
Rosella of Tatarus *56
Rosy v Talehouldt
Rowdy of Rocky Reach
Roxey v Mason Ranch
Roy Rogers Bullet II
Ch Royal Rogue of Long Worth
Royal White von Heydelburg W
Royal's White Cloud W
Rupert of Sotelo
Rupert von Blenheim W59
Rust II W50
Rustivan II W54
Ruth of LaSalle
Ryn v Wolkenland
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