Tabu of Dorma W
Taffy of Dornwald*
Taffy von Tannenberg *54
Tafina aus der Uberlingen
Tamara of Tillingshurst
Tammy R Cantata
Tang of Capri W56
Tant Belle de Buxeroller *
Tanya von Kit of Granada Vista *55
Tanyia of San Miguel
Tappan von Grossland
Tara of Lenor
Taro of Cosalta
Tarzan of Ridgewood
Tasha of Maji
Ch Tasso of Villa Marina ROM
Tatja v Rhapsonno
Ch Tawnee of Liebestraum
Taylor Maid's Etu Brutus
Teck of LaSalle
Tedda of Montclair W
Teena of B'Gosh
Ch Tell v Flugelrad
Tell vom Menkenmoor
'10 Sgr Tell vd Kriminalpolizei
Ten Dollar Judy W52
Ch & OTCh Terry of Grafmar TD
The Dutchess II W55
Thekla 1 vd Krone
Thelma Berkheiser
Thor von Welfland
GVCh Thora v Bern of Giralda
Ch Thora v Liebestraum
Thorine von Liebestraum
Thornoak's Thor
Three Star of Brittas (England)
Thunderbolt von Hohe-Linde
Tiana of Brush Hill *48
Ticket of Loudville
Tige von Rodenberg
Tiger von Charger W
Tiletha v Liebestraum W
Till von Chargriff
Timber of San Miguel
Timmy D v Arno W55
Tina of Blue Mountain *53
Tina of Dyberry
Tinka of Stormwald
Tinker van de Oldehove W42
Tip von Hosen W
Todd's Cemo of Ken-Rose
Eng Ch Tokay of Picardy
Tolbert's Princess W43
Toni v Arno
Toots van de Oldehove W44
Toppan von Grossland
Topper of Sunny Hill W
Topper von der Altenstadt
Torian von Klugehaus
Tossie Pride of Meyers W
Tracy's Guardian Alberta
Ch Tracy's Guardian Jorette
Tracy's Guardian Kount W
Tracy's Guardian Lili
Tracy's Guardian Mollie
Tracy's Guardian Noah
Traudel vd Burg
Sgrn, AmCh Traute v Bern
Trena of Lookout
Ch Treu v Wolfsstock
Treu-Tier's Dorf von Thal
Trina von der Wald
Trinka Vogel von Rodenberg W64
Trinquette of Troy
Tristan v Schloss Goehrde
GVIntCh Troll vom Richterbach SchH3FH ROM
Trolo's Alert
Trooper of LaSalle II (W)
Trotta White Princess W54
Trychlen Hansel II
Truchen v Staarberg(W)
Trudy Lee of Tatarus
Trutz ad Schwanenstadt SchH3
Tucker Hills Rommel
Tupper's Abigail W46
Twiggy of Three Oaks
Tyera von Menkenmoor
Tyrana v Maingau
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