hy WHY? for those who keep asking, it just happens to be my initials → |
ave you lived your life today * have you seen have you heard have you touched have you felt with your heart have you thought * have you made a difference? → |
esterday is a dried raindrop * did it land on your nose with a big fat plop did you wipe it off your face did it fall from the darkest cloud and roll off a leaf and fall from a tree or did it fly smack into a window pane and trickle down slow-mo * only memory knows |
[180403] this was started back in 1998 | forgotten exactly when | as earlier files were lost in an editing disaster | originally intended as a page for travel photos | took on a life of its own once thoughts.html was created during KE7 days | now intended as a backup archive for my lack of hippocampal harddisk space | for the 50-year old me to look at in the year 2039 AD | and read about thoughts, people and places from yesterday | |