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Band Members
Message Board
    1.01.00 - Well, the new year comes and any hopes of the folks at Disco
    Volante pulling their heads out of their butts is all but gone. One can only
    hope that this won't spell the demise of the band. The way these guys
    have been jerked around for so long, it would be easy to understand
    them giving up and moving on but I hope they won't do that and will
    instead find a label that knows what they are doing.

    9.15.99 - Lowcraft is currently hanging out in Portland awaiting news
    from Disco Volante on a new tour or a US release of Manticore. After
    pressing an incredibly small number of CDs for the UK release, some
    fans are left to wonder what the hell is wrong with Disco Volante?!
    DV's handling of Lowcraft's recording and marketing should raise some
    serious questions about their apptitude in the record industry.

    Check this site often for up to date news about a possible
    tour and US release.

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Peter Noone is not actually from Portland, Oregon as is popularly reported in several articles. Peter joined the band to replace bassist Clark Stiles and is really from Britain.