I have been telling stories actively since 1978, after telling them to family and friends all my life. I tell stories from all cultures, although the majority tend to have Northern European or North American roots. In 1981 I acquired my first horse, a 6-year-old Morgan gelding, Gay Tribute 28853 Read about Tribute, and Trib and daughter Meg became major sources of storytelling inspiration. I have told their stories in person and on radio for almost 20 years, and hope soon to begin production on a cassette tape, Morgan Tales. I enjoy telling to all ages. In addition to stories about Morgans and other horses, I tell stories from folklore, literary tales, stories from history, legends, tall tales, personal stories, and science fiction and fantasy (Robert A. Heinlein, Andre Norton, Manly Wade Wellman, Jack Finney, and Anne McCaffrey have all given permission for me to tell stories of theirs. Since Suzette Haden Elgin, George R.R. Martin and Kim Stanley Robinson have also given permission, maybe someday they'll get namesake horses, too.)
Stories I Tell
Figure, or a Horse By Any Other Name
A Ghost Story for Armistice Day
The Horse with "Forward Momentum" and a Polka-Dot Sock