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   Neighbours Girls

Sky (Bishop) Mangel

Miranda Fryer 1989-1991, Stephanie McIntosh 2003.... DoB 5th July

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Black haired



The young Sky

Occupation: Student.
Lived at: Number 24 and 32.
Related to: Daughter of Kerry Bishop and Eric Jensen, granddaughter of Harold Bishop. Step-daughter of Joe Mangel, step-sister of Toby.

Niece of David and Liljana, cousin of Serena Bishop.
Love interest: Boyd.  Lana Crawford _Bidget Neval -2004 Lana Crawford_Bidget Neval-2004
Most notable moment: Coming face to face with John Swan - the man who killed her mother. < (Shown below.)


Sky is Harold  Bishop’s granddaughter, who hasn’t had an easy start to life. Her mother; Harold ’s daughter Kerry was killed by duck shooters when  Sky was only a toddler. This left Sky with only her step-dad Joe Mangel,. However when he lost custody of her after the death of Kerry he took Sky and ran away with her to the country.

The only form of contact Sky ever made with her grandfather was by letter until a few weeks ago when she turned up unexpectedly at his house.  Her entrance wasn’t the usual one either, as she made her way in through the back door straight into Harold ’s kitchen. This peculiar and unexpected  entrance caused Harold  not to realise at first that this was Sky his granddaughter. However they soon got talking and he realised that she was showing many qualities that he remembered from her mother at her age.

Harold  and Sky’s growing friendship had one set back when he returned home to find the house had a peculiar smell. Harold ’s friend Lou thought that she    may be have marijuana in her possession, and searched through her bag. When Sky caught them in the act she took her bags and left, telling them  that it was incense that they could smell. Harold managed to persuade her to return to his home, and their friendship continued to grow.

Since arriving in Erinsborough she has become friends with Boyd, and the two spent time setting up blind dates for his head teacher Candace. Now that she  has decided to stay in Ramsay Street and attend Erinsborough High, only time will tell what mischief they get up to.


Sky's mum was  Kerry, Harold Bishop's daughter.

Stephanie is not new to television though, having previously appeared in the program Legacy of the Silver Shadow.

She has acted in the movie Wilde Girls with Olivia Newton-John and is also a singer.

Birthday 5th July 1985

Career Memories you wish to share
Seeing Neighbours is my first full time acting job, the process of learning about Television on Legacy of the Silver Shadow Channel10 also.
Highlights of Neighbours you wish to share I'm a natural long/white blond! So to have it all cut off & dyed Japanese Black w/blue bits was pretty awesome; knowing it's character.
Highlights of Wilde Girls you wish to share Working with Olivia Newton-John was unreal! But also felt a bit strange as she's a very long, close friend of my mums. And of course filming on the Gold Coast!
Preferred Medium (Stage, Screen, Television) All three are my passions, but working in Television at the moment is a great experience with wonderful people.
Address For Fan Correspondence

c/o Neighbours in Nunawading.
Favourite Book Don't have one - but love books about people, spirituality, and life!! Currently "Chocolate for a Women's Soul".
Favourite Movie Childhood classic, "Wizard of OZ" of course! & love "Pretty Women" & love movies in general.
Favourite Song "River Deep, Mountain High" Tina Turner & anything by Shakira!! Love my bands as well!
Favourite Television Program Neighbours! (of course!) & Friends is good too.
Favourite Person to Act Alongside It's been terrific working closely with Ian Smith, very supportive & a true professional.
Favourite Quote, Saying or Motto

"Don't sweat the small stuff - and it's all small stuff"
Favourite Possession A beautiful ring that I inherited from my Nan!
Future Ambitions To do the best I can as an actor & singer.
Why you became an Actor Since I can remember, it's all I've wanted to do!!
If you were'nt an Actor other career choice Psychologist!
Comments If you've got this far, THANK-YOU for reading it!


You asked... July 2006

How old you were when you started acting, and was it your choice or your parents’? – Alice
Ah, cool question. Certainly not my parents. My sisters, maybe. They put me into ballet classes when I was three. I have no regrets – I did ballet for nine years and I loved it – and after I started dancing, I just started acting and singing, too.

On the show, Sky has a wild sense of fashion and her hair changes all the time. Is your personal style anything like hers? – Emma
Maybe now that she’s grown up we’re more similar, but certainly when I started and they dyed my hair black and blue, that was pretty outrageous. I didn’t deal with it as well as I thought I could’ve or should’ve. I mean, at the end of the day, it is only hair – and it will grow back!

How have you made yourself cry in the emotional scenes you’ve had recently? Do you use eye drops? – Kirsten
No, I don’t! I’ve got to know Sky so well after three-and-a-half years that I just find I’m in a zone with her. All I have to do is read the script and sort of be her, and it comes naturally.

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      1MB movie clips > (Serena-Sky-Pool.wmv 1:33) (Showing belly 1:35)  ( Fight  1:44) ( Killer 0:52) (Starting to love 1:08) The (Kiss 1:08) (Second Kiss 0:29)  (Shazza 0:47) Boyd  (Dress 0:55)

                                        Sky as a singer on You tube
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