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Reset Time Password Finder

Do you need to change your time in Gold & Silver for some reason and want to know how? Well go to the title screen, where Lugia/Ho-oh is flying on the screen and press the following buttons at the same time:


Once those are pressed, a screen will come up asking if you want to reset your time by entering your password. To find out your password, use the following script.

Password Finder

Trainer Name ?
ID Number
Money ?

Special Characters

For This: Use This:
PK {
MN }
? (Multiplication Sign) *
All other characters should be fine

? Your trainer name is case sensitive, meaning if you used all CAPITALS in your name use all capitals here.
? You only need to worry about what money you're carrying, not the money your mom has. Also, don't put commas in your money amount.

Note: If you want to have a 'universal' password for you game, enter your Trainer Name and ID Number as usual, but instead of putting in your money amount, put in 0. That way, whenever you use this password, just give all your money to your Mom first so your password always works.


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