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African Deities

African god of the Lugbara. Adroa is both good and evil, and considered the creator of heaven and earth.

Supreme African (Dogon) god who created the sun and the moon. The myth of Dogon is used to justify the custom of female circumcision as practiced in many parts of Africa. They said that he tried to procreate with the earth (female) but his passage to her was blocked by a "red termite hill". This had to be cut away before he could mate with the earth.

African (Yoruban) orisha of fire, thunder, lightning, rain and masculine fertility. A smooth-talking con-artist. His animals are the black cat, tortoise, and the quail. He symbolizes the element of fire, courage, truth, and intelligence.

African sky god. Associated with rain, birth, and fertility.

African rain god. (Maasai)

African (Yoruban) god of watchfulness. Judges men and records their actions, reporting them to Olorun.

African creator god who tried to save men from death. He was chasing after death one day, and a human woman let Death hide under her dress. Imana was so angry at this betrayal that he left Death to do what he would. Had this not happened, man would be immortal.

Supreme being in African-Christian religion who is equated with God.

African earth goddess. Mother of Omolu.

African bisexual creator god. Associated with the sky and mother earth.

African thunder god. Creator of all things and supreme deity.

African goddess, sometimes a god, of the sea. Portrayed with a coral dress and mudfish legs, with lizards in both hands.

The African (Yoruban) orisha of love, sexuality, beauty and diplomacy; a wife of Chango. She is the keeper of the sweet waters and patroness of the Oshun river. With her pure sweetness, she overcomes the most difficult obstacles. She is the protector of the abdominal area and the teacher of pleasure and mirth. Oshun is generous and a great giver, but when she is angry, it is very difficult to calm her down. Her worshippers wear amber beads. Her price is the sacrifice of a small chicken, but it is well worth it, for great and powerful spells can be worked through her. She can be invoked for love, money, beauty, joy, and health (abdominal).

African (Yoruban) god of the forest and hunting. His symbol is the bow.

African (Yoruban) warrior orisha of the wind, symbolic of the winds of change. Every breath we take is a gift from Oya. She is tall and regal, strong, assertive, courageous and independent and is always willing to take risks. Oya is a great witch and the guardian of the gates of death. Women often ask her to give them the ability to choose their words so that they speak persuasively and powerfully. She symbolizes transformations, power, action, life, vivacity. Oya is invoked in case of illness. Wife of Chango.

African (Akpossa of Togo) sky god and creator of everything including the minor gods. He is invoked for agriculture/harvest, spring, birth, rain, and sun. Gave mankind fire. He is seen as generally beneficant.

African (Ethiopian) god who dwelled in the clouds. He was supreme and a benefactor god. He kept the heavens at a distance from the earth and ornamented it with stars. When the earth was flat, Wak asked man to build himself a coffin. Man did so and Wak shut him up in it and buried it. For seven years he made fire rain down. This is how the mountains were formed. Wak then danced upon the place where the coffin was buried and man sprang forth, alive. He was sure he had slept for a brief moment only and was shocked to find it had been so long and earth had changed so much; this is why man is awake for most of the day. Eventually man grew tired of living alone. Knowing of man's loneliness, Wak took some of his blood and after four days, the blood turning into a woman whom the man married. Man and woman had 30 children, but man was so ashamed at having had so many that he hid fifteen of them away. Wak was angry at this, and as a result, the children man hid away were turned into animals and demons.

African creator god, give of life and cause of death. Like Zeus in the mythology of Greece, he punishes evildoers with lightning bolts.

African creator god and shaper of destiny.

One of the great African goddesses, specifically of Nigerian Yoruba. She was the daughter of the sea into whose waters she flows. Her breasts were enormous because she mothered so many Yoruban gods. She also is the Mama Watta, or "mother of the waters", and gave birth to all the bodies of water in the world. She is the sister and wide of Aganju, the soil god, and together they had Orungan, god of the noonday sun, as their child.

She is known by many different names, each with some variations in character:

As Yemayah or Yemoja, she is the orisha of the oceans, seas, fish, and motherhood. Nurturing, feminine, and life-giving. Considered the epitome of feminine power. Like the ocean, she can be not only gentle but destructive and torrential as well. She holds the secrets that are within the sea. She can be invoked for issues with childbirth, mothers, fertility, or anything involving women's issues or women's mysteries.

As Imanje or Yemanja in Brazil, she is the ocean goddess of the crescent moon.

As Ymoja in West Africa, she is the river goddess who grants fertility to women.

In Cuba, she is Yemayah. Yemaya Achabba, stern goddess - Yemayah Oqqutte, violent goddess - Yemayah Ataramagwa, wealthy queen of the sea - Yemayah Olokun, dream goddess.

She is Agwe in Haitian voodoo beliefs. Finally, she is Yamoja, a combination of the phrase Iyamo eja ("our mother").