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Celtic Deities

Celtic (Gaulish) god of the apple tree.

Aine of Knockaine
Celtic (Irish) goddess of love and fertility, later known as the fairy queen. Goddess related to the moon, crops, and farms or cattle. Aine is revered among Irish herbalists and healers and is said to be responsible for the body's life force.

A healing goddess of the celtic order of Tuatha de Danann, goddess of medicinal plants and keeper of the spring. Regenerates, or brings the dead to life again.

Celtic (Welsh) god of agriculture, husbandry, and luck.

From British Celtics; the moon, divination, rabbit magic.

Angus Og
Celtic (Irish) god of beauty, love, and youth. His name means "son of the young". He is a Gaelic Eros known for his physical beauty and golden hair; his kisses become birds.

Manifestation magic, moon, air, fertility, prosperity. Celtic (Irish) goddess of plenty. Mother earth goddess and maiden aspect of Morrigu.

Celtic (Welsh) god of the underworld, terror, revenge, and ware. Invoke during element of earth.

"The Silver Wheel", "High Fruitful Mother". Celtic (Welsh) goddess, the sister of Gwydion and wife of Don. Deity of element of Air, reincarnation, full moons, time, karma, retribution.

Celtic wildlife goddess.

Babd Catha
Celtic (Irish) goddess of war. Mother aspect of the triple goddess. Symbolizes life, enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration.

Celtic. Although he was born with two good eyes, one was ruined in an accident; the eye is so hideous that he only opens it in battle so that its venom will slay whoever is unlucky enough to catch glimpse of it; his daughter marries Cian.

Celtic (Irish) fire and sun god. Symbolizes element of fire, health.

Celtic (Welsh) maiden form of the Triple Goddess. She was changed into an owl for committing adultry and plotting to kill Lleu. Symbolizes wisdom, lunar mysteries, initiations. Known to help a garden or a child grow.

Celtic (Irish) god of health. A beautiful woman appeared before Bran and told him to search for a group of islands where there was no sorrow, sickness, death, or evil. He voyaged until he found these islands, most importantly the Isle of Women. He eventually was lured away by a friend, but when he found he was unknown in his native Ireland, he left again. Brother of Branwen. Also known as Bran the Blessed.

Celtic goddess of love and beauty. The sister of Bran the Blessed and Manannan mac Lir, daughter of Lir, and wife of the Irish king Matholwch. Died of a broken heart after Bran's death.

Celtic (Irish). One of the triple goddesses of the Celtic pantheon. She is the daughter of The Dagda, the deity of the Tuatha de Danaan, one of the most ancient people of Northern Europe. Some say there are actually three Brigits; one is in charge of poetry and inspiration; one is in charge of midwifery and healing, and the last is in charge of crafts and smiths.

She probably began as a sun goddess. According to legend, she was born at sunrise and a tower of flame beamed from her head.

As goddess of fire and water, she is immortalized by many wells and springs. Most important of her monuments, though, was a shrine at Kildare where there was a perpetual flame burning for Brigit. It was tended by nineteen virgins called the Daughters of the Flame. They would not talk to men, nor could men come near the shrine.

When Christianity began its onset, so loved was Brigit that she was made a saint. However, the upkeep on her flame was considered pagan by the church and it was extinguished out of more than a thousand years of burning. St. Brigit remains one of the most popular Irish saints today, along with Saint Patrick.

Identical to Juno, Queen of Heaven. Symbolizes human potential. Also known as Brigit, Brigid, Brigindo, Bride.

Dark the bitter winter,
cutting its sharpness,
but Bride’s mantle
brings spring to Ireland.

-Translated from Gaelic text.

The Celtic (Irish) god of fertility and agriculture. He is the son of Elatha, a prince of the Fomorians, and the goddess Eriu.

"Of the Invisible Sword", "Heaven". Celtic god of war and sky. Similar to Mars, only more vicious.

Celtic (Welsh) Moon, Grain and Nature Goddess. Cerridwen's symbol is a white sow. Patron of the poets, greatest of all the bards.

She prepared in a cauldron a magical brew which stewed for a year and would yield three precious drops. These would bestow on the receiver the wisdom of the past, the knowledge of the present, and the secrets of the future.

Cerridwen symbolizes luck, element of earthk, death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, inspiration, the arts, science, poetry, astrology/zodiac.

Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. The Horned God is born at the winter solstice, marries the Goddess at Beltane, and dies at the summer solstice. He alternates with the Goddess of the moon in ruling over life and death, continuing the cycle of death, rebirth and reincarnation. Symbolizes element of earthk, love, fertility, and luck.

Celtic goddess of streams, her scream fortells death.

Celtic (Irish) God of the Earth and Father God, leader of the Tuatha de Danaan. He mates with his wife the raven Morrigan on New Years day. Also a god of death; the father of Brighid.

A formidable fighter, but a god of simple tastes who dresses in a brown tunic, hooded cape and leather boots. Dagda had a staff which could slew nine men with one end, but could bring back life with the other end. He possessed two swine, one of which was perpetually roasting, the other perpetually growing. His other symbols are the bottomless cauldron of plenty and a harp with which he controls the seasons.

Celtic (Irish) goddess, the mother of The Dagda, god of the Tuatha de Danaan. Aspect of Morrigu. Considered to have been an early form of Anu, the Universal Mother. Patroness of wizards. Symbolizes rivers, water, wells, prosperity, magick, and wisdom.

An old Celtic (Welsh) god represented by a red serpent or dragon.

Celtic (Irish) god of healing and medicine. Once saved Ireland, married to Morrigan.

In the first battle of Moy Tura, Nuada lost his hand. Diancecht fashioned a new one of silver and joined it to Nuada's arm. One day, Diancecht's son Miach took what remained of Nuada's original flesh hand, placed it next to Nuada's arm, and spoke an incant. After three days and nights the hand was rejoined to the arm seamlessly.

Nuada rejoiced, but Diancecht was furious that his son was a better healer than he was. Diancecht struck Miach thrice on the head with his sword. Miach was able to heal each wound. Diancecht, more furious now, split Miach's head in two, killing him. From Miach's grave grew 365 herbs, each one with curative powers for one of the 365 nerves in the body. Miach's sister, Airmid, picked these herbs and arranged them according to their curative powers.

Diancecht became so enraged that his son rivaled him even after death that he scattered the herbs about, hoplessly confusing them. If Diancecht hadn't done this, man would be immortal.

Dis Pater
Celtic (Gaulish) god, originally of death and the underworld, eventually the chief of gods. It is said that Dis Pater is the ancestor of all the Gauls.

Celtic (Welsh) Queen of the Heavens and Goddess of air and sea. Ruled over the land of the dead. Corresponds to the Celtic (Irish) goddess Danu. Symbolizes control of the elements, the moon.

"Queen of the Druids". Celtic Fir Goddess and Mother of the tree calender. Symbolizes protection, knowledge, creativity, passion, sex, fertility, growth, trees and forests.

Celtic (Welsh) sea god and brother of Lleu. Son of the wave, god of the sea. His symbol is a silver fish.

Celtic (Welsh) aspect of the maiden.

Celtic (Irish) goddess of the forest, woodlands, and wild things. She had a magic cow that could produce milk enough for three hundred men in one night. Also a shapeshifter. Wife of Ailill. Associated with hunting, protection of wild animals.

Irish and Celtic (Welsh) god of weapons. Weaponry he forged for the Tuatha de Danaan were said to never miss or dullen. He possessed a potion which made the drinker invincible. Also called the Great Smith.

Celtic (Welsh) warrior and magician god. Father of Lleu and Dylan.

Gwynn ap Nudd
Celtic (Welsh)-Celtic god of the underworld. Originally a war god who hunted men's souls and lead them to Annwn, the land of the dead. In Celtic (Welsh) legend he is the king of the faeries and elves. Also known as Gwynwas.

Celtic (Irish) god of the underworld.

Celtic (Welsh, Irish) god, also known as Lleu. He is a druid, carpenter, poet, and mason. His animals are the raven and the lynx. He symbolizes healing, reincarnation, prophecy, and revenge.

I am Lugh Samildanach
I am Lugh the Il-Dana
I am Lugh, master of the battle
I am Lugh, master of healing
I am Lugh, master of knowledge
I am Lugh, master of sailing
I am Lugh, master of sorcery
I am Lugh, master of smithing.

-"The Coming of Lugh", Iarwain.

Irish and Celtic (Welsh) god of waters and the sea.

Celtic (Irish) goddess of war, life, and death.

Celtic goddess of earth fertility and war.

Celtic patron of sailors and merchants. His famed possessions include the yellow shaft, the red javelin, the boat, the wave-sweeper, a horse called Splendid Mane, and three swords named retaliator, great fury, and little fury; he has the gift of immortality.

Celtic mother aspect of the goddess.

Math Mathonwy
Celtic (Welsh) god of magic, sorcery, and enchantment.

"Drunk Woman". Celtic goddess of war. The mere sight of Medb blinds enemies, and she runs faster than the fastest horse. A lewd woman, she needs thirty men a day to requite her sexual appetite. Also a fertility goddess.

Celtic god of the underworld.

"The Great Queen". Celtic goddess of war and death who could take the shape of a crow or raven. Supreme warrior goddess. She is associated with the sometimes frightening aspects of female energy. She symbolizes the power of fertility, the dark goddess' prowess, death, war, fate.

"Merlin", Celtic (Welsh) sorcerer, druid, and magician who was trained by Nimue and the Lady of the Lake.

Celtic (Gaulish) goddess of nature, valley, and streams. Her symbol, like the Celtic (Irish) goddess Morrigan's, is a raven.

"Panic". Celtic war goddess.

Celtic (Irish) goddess of beauty and brightness. Helps heroes at their death.

Celtic (Gaulish) witch goddess.

Celtic (Irish) sea god and king of the Tuatha de Danaan.

Oenghos Mac In Og
"Lord Of Love And Death". Celtic (Irish).

A great Celtic (Irish) warrior god often associated with Heracles. Patron god of scholars and eloquence from Gaul. He invented the runic language of the Druids, the Ogham alphabet. His name means "sun face". Married Etain. Symbolizes image and poppet magic, incantations, charms, health, eloquence, genius, inspiration, language. Also known as Ogmios.

Celtic (Welsh) goddess of flowers and springtime. Also symbolizes love.

Under the forgotten oak
She slept
Lily breasts
And crocus arms
And wild daisy hair


Celtic (Welsh) god, prince who married the goddess Rhiannon and bore a son, Pryderi.

Celtic (Welsh) goddess or horses and birds considered the counterpart of the Gaulish goddess Epona. She symbolizes fertility, the moon, enchantment, charms, and poetic incantations.

Rhiannon gave birth to a baby boy, and while she slept, her nurses were supposed to watch over the child. But they failed in the task, and the child was mysteriously abducted during the night. Before Rhiannon awoke, the nurses found that the baby had disappeared, and fearing revenge, they smeared the blood from the dog's bones around Rhiannon's sleeping body. When she awoke, they declared that she had devoured the child.

Judgement was passed, and Rhiannon's punishment was to remain in the palace of Narberth for seven years. Every day, she would sit near a horse block, and relate her story to everyone who passed unless they had knew it already. She also had to offer to guests and strangers in on her back. Forunately for her, they rarely accepted the offer and permitted her to perform her penance.

"The Great Provider". Celtic goddess of fertility and wealth. Her symbols are a cornucopia [horn of plenty] and a stick with two snakes. She may be invoked for fertility or money.

Celtic river goddess. Health.

Celtic (Irish) goddess of the river Shannon.

Celtic (Gaulish) war deity.

Celtic (Gaulish) god of agriculture and the forest, ferries souls to the underworld. His consort is Nantosvelta.

Celtic (Welsh) god of song, chief bard of the west, patron of druids and a shapeshifter.

Celtic (Gaulish) thunder god. See also Jupiter.

Celtic (Irish) goddess who co-founded tea.

Celtic god of war, money, and fertility worshipped also in Gaul. See also Mars.

White Lady
Celtic goddess of death.