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Students of the Round Table


British Literature I

Expository   Writing

Literature in Film


School Calendar

The Dungeon

Student of the Month



School Calendar

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            Date                                                                Event

9/9 Fall semester begins
10/14 Columbus Day-No school
11/6 Midterm reports
11/11 Veteran's Day-No school
11/28-11/29 Thanksgiving Holiday-No school
12/23 Winter break begins
1/6 Classes resume
1/20 MLK Day-No school
1/21-1/23 Finals
1/24 Graduation
1/28 Spring semester begins
2/12 Lincoln's Birthday/No school
2/17 President's Day-No school
3/3 Pulaski Day-No school
4/2 Midterm reports
4/14 Spring break begins
4/21 Classes resume
5/26 Memorial Day-No school
6/17-6/19 Finals
6/20 Graduation







Shakespeare ] Brit. Lit I ] Literature in Film ] Expo. Writing ] [ School Calendar ] Dungeon ] Student of the Month ] Survivor ]