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The Echoesverse is co-written by:
Dragonsbane & Dracavia


The authoresses are a pair of best friends who live an unfortunate distance away from each other.  Both have written Harry Potter fanfiction for a number of years and the idea of writing a story together seemed natural.  So instead of the normal things most friends do, like going to the cinema or shopping, they write this story.

You may contact us about this site, or the story on it at:

The Echoesverse is betaed by:
Alkira Zane

"Hi, I'm Dracavia's sister.  As some might remember, I was originally listed as Doppleganger.  A little while ago my pen name had a identity crisis and decided it needed to be changed to better reflect me.  So, as you all can see, my name is now Alkira Zane.

"In my free time I enjoy reading Harry Potter fan-fiction, and books by Anne Rice and Laurell K. Hamilton.  Wish me luck, this fall I will be joining the rowing team at my university.  Hopefully we'll do well.  I'm also working on my own original story. We'll see how long it takes...

"I absolutely love my sister's story, and would recommend it to anyone who loves HP stories.  It's really long, but so good."

The Honorary Echoesverse Muse:
Christmas T. Kitty

Christmas is Dracavia's honorary muse and writing companion.  Her loyal friend for the last 15 years, Christmas can often be found laying on Dracavia's lap, sleeping or staring at the screen, while Dracavia works on the Echoesverse.

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This site was last updated 09/05/05