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The Echoesverse has a large and diverse cast of characters, ranging widely in species, age and experiences.

Information will be kept current with the most recent update, therefore character bios will be updated and added as characters change and appear.  It is important to note that some of the information on this page will be spoilers if you are not caught up with the story.

Main Characters:

Harry Potter          Draco Malfoy          Lucius Malfoy          Kain of Darkwood
Nicole Lindsey Darkwood         Sethopher


Commonly Reoccurring Characters:


Other Reoccurring Characters



Harry Potter

Born: 31 July 1980
Species: Human
Hogwarts: 1991-1997 Gryffindor House
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black, short and messy
Build: Thin, around 5' 10"
Unusual abilities: Is able to perform a large variety of controlled wandless magic.
Wand: Holly and Phoenix feather, 13 inches (no longer used)
Distinguishing traits: A lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. (The scar fades/disappears after a strong bout using his healing magic.)



Draco Malfoy

Born: 29 September 1980
Species: Human
Hogwarts: 1991-1997 Slytherin House
Eyes: grey-blue
Hair: Short, platinum blond
Build: Thin, around 5' 9"
Unusual abilities: none currently noted
Wand: Dragon Heartstring oak 11inches (no longer used)
Distinguishing traits: The Trademark Blue/silver Malfoy eyes


*not our art, if you know who
this belongs to let us know so
we can credit them.

Lucius Malfoy

Born: 1956
Species: Born: Human     As of August 1997: Vampire
Hogwarts: 1967 - 1974 Slytherin House
Eyes: grey-blue
Hair: Long, platinum blond
Build: 6' 3"
Field: Ex-Death Eater, consort of the Vampire ruler
Unusual abilities: He has developed a number of powers since becoming a vampire, including the ability to secrete a poison to blind humans, and has become Empathic.  He wields Soul Bane, a soul sword given to him by his partner, Kain.
Wand: Dragon Heartstring Rowan 11 ˝ inches (no longer uses)
Distinguishing traits: The Malfoy Eyes
Notes: Recently divorced from Narcissa Malfoy



Kain of Darkwood

Born: 12 November
Species: Born: High Elf     Currently: Vampire
Eyes: Ice blue
Hair: Long, silver white
Build: 6' 5"
Field: Ruler of the Vampire Nation - Nosgoth
Unusual abilities: A wide variety of vampire abilities.  He wields Soul Reaver, the most powerful of the three soul swords, a set of extremely powerful swords with a somewhat murky past.
Distinguishing traits: White skin and hair, ice blue eyes
Notes: Evolved Vampire.  Vampire given name is Haran.


Nicole Lindsey Darkwood

Born: 28 December 1967
Species: Human
Hogwarts: 1978-1985 Slytherin House
Eyes: green with a hint of grey
Hair: Mahogany brown, wavy and past her shoulders
Build: Average build, 5' 8"
Field: Potions Mistress, specializing in healing potions and magic
Unusual abilities: Can use the Accio spell wandlessly
Wand: holly and dragon heartstring, 10 1/4 inches
Distinguishing traits: Afraid of heights
Notes: Orphaned when less than a year old when Voldemort killed her parents, she was passed between a number of relatives before ending up in an orphanage for most of her Hogwarts years.  She now shares a blood bond with Kain after allowing him to drink from her when he was weak from turning Lucius.  She lives with her fiancé Sethopher and is pregnant with his child.




Born: 1 February
Species: Born: Human     Currently: Vampire
Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: Roughly shoulder-length, black
Build: 6' 1"
Field: Second in command to Kain and a general in his army.
Unusual abilities: A number of vampire abilities including extremely powerful telepathy.
Distinguishing traits: Not afraid to argue with Kain.
Notes: A widower, he had 3 children in his previous marriage, only one of which, Alexander, is currently living.  He recently became engaged to Nicole Darkwood, whom is pregnant with his child.







Died: 4 September 1997
Born: Human     At Death: Vampire
Field: Was Kain's 3rd in command, head interrogator/torturer
Notes: Sethopher's younger half-sister, she was killed by Sethopher's son Cal whom was slain in retribution for her death.




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This site was last updated 09/05/05