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  Art Galleries


Art Galleries
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The Art Gallery

This is the place for miscellaneous art and graphics produced for the story.  Included are drawings, both hand done and computer generated.  There are also layouts and a family tree.

In recognition that some people may not want to stumble across even minor spoilers, the Art Gallery has been split into two sub galleries.  As the story progresses and pictures no longer qualify as spoilers, they will be moved to the non-spoiler gallery. (Please note that some of the art in the AotP gallery is only considered non-spoiler if you are up-to-date with the most recently posted chapters of the Echoesverse.)

The layout drawings for Kain's home are in the AotP gallery, they will be updated with changes as time goes on and the living arrangements in the house change.

Artwork of the Past
The spoiler free gallery.
Artwork of the Future
A peek into what's coming.

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This site was last updated 09/19/05