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The Peoples of Edrel






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Creatures of Edrel

Edrel is home to many different peoples, elvin races as well as a number of others.  As races appear in the story, descriptions of them will appear and grow on this page.  To see the countries on the maps, go to the Main Edrel Page.


Dryads Country: Ashenvale

The Dryads are the half deer-half Moon Elf females of the forests, loyal to the Hindes and of course the word of Cenarius.  They are not the most intelligent beings in the forest, thinking of nothing usually other than mating, eating and where to go.  However, they are excellent huntresses and have some rather powerful skills at their disposal.

They have excellent magical shielding that they seem to be born with, and they are immune to all and any types of magic and can break magical spells with relative ease.  They look after the forests and help the Hindes tend to the forest damaged by the Burning Legion.


Hindes Country: Ashenvale

The Hindes are half deer-half Moon Elf men of the forests loyal to Cenarius.  They follow his word still as law under the instruction of Syan, Cenarius' right hand.  Malfurion, though leader of the Moon Elves, takes much advice from Syan.

The Hindes respect other races and have the ability to turn themselves into humanoid form.  They are graceful and kind and their magic helps protect the World Tree.


High Elves Country: Quel'Thalas

The High Elves live in Quel'Thalas, which means the "Eternal Realm," their capital bearing the same name.  They consider themselves to be the eldest race in the realm as their history books tell them and rule by way of a King and 13 council members.  They worship the sun god, Solarius, and draw their power from the Sun Well.

The High Elves are a proud race of people, fair in skin and hair, usually blondes and lighter browns.  Their eyes vary from dark greens to pale blues but rarely do they have darker eyes.  Experts at weapon making, they enjoy challenges.  They believe heavily in justice and have a court system and prison for dealing with criminals.  They rarely execute people.


Moon Elves Country: Ashenvale

The Moon Elves live in the shrouded forests of Ashenvale and guard the World Tree, that sits atop Mount Hyjal, with their lives and extensive magic.  The Moon Elves believe themselves to be the better race on Edrel and believe themselves to be the eldest race from which every other race of Elf came.

Moon Elves have lavender skin born from their worship of the moon and their living in the dark forests.  They are excellent with bow's and other long-range weapons. The Moon Elves are, as a rule, highly religious, following the Moon Goddess Elune, and the Demigod Cenarius, Elune's messenger that lived for a time on Edrel until he was slain.  They believe their demigod has been reincarnated in Harry Potter due to numerous signs and powers he has developed.

Their sheer magical power outstrips any of the other races of elves.  They are governed by the Keeper of the Grove, Malfurion Stormrage, and his council of advisors, the Hindes of Cenarius.  The Moon Elves have a separate branch of people who take care of their policing, "The Wardens."


Night Elves

Country: Nazgrel

Decedents of the Moon Elves who broke off generations ago over religious differences.  They reside in the country of Nazgrel, near Quel'Thalas.


Vampires Country: Nosgoth

The Vampires living in Nosgoth are known as the "Elder Race".  They are vampires descended from Fiammetta, the Fire Vampire of old.  They are led under a dictatorship, the only real way to lead the vampires.  Kain of Darkwood is their leader, a well respected ex High Elf.

The Vampires are very open with their sex lives and sexuality.  Physical interaction is very important to them.  The Vampires are seen as an essential part of Edrel.  Though they kill to survive, they keep the numbers of the other races down.  If the immortal races went unchecked the populations would spiral out of control and eventually destroy the world.  The vampires are essential in a world with immortal beings.

With Kain's help they have managed to forge themselves an honest place in the world.  A nocturnal race by their predatory nature, they may choose to go out into the sun if they wish, unlike their younger cousins, the younger and less pure races of vampires once commonly found Earth.  Kain, in his time as the Vampire Lord has endeavored to wipe out all traces of those lower form vampires due to their more hostile and less rational natures.


The Wardens Country: Ashenvale

The Wardens are mostly made up of Moon Elves but there are also Night Elves amongst them.  A power unto themselves, they have their own governess, the Head Warden.  She is Judge, Jury and Executioner.  The Hindes, Malfurion or the Priestess of the Moon will issue a warrant for whomever they need apprehended and the Head Warden will decide the creature's punishment.

Prison, death or torture are all viable options, hence the Moon Elves rarely break the law to the extent that the Wardens will be called in.  The Wardens therefore earn extra money by hiring themselves out as assassins and mercenaries.



This site was last updated 09/05/05