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Creatures of Edrel






Main Edrel Page

The Peoples of Edrel

While Edrel shares some plants and creatures with Earth, there are many that are unique to the much older, and more magically potent, realm.  To see the regions on the maps, return to the Main Edrel Page.

Species will be added to this page as we develop them.  As some species will occasionally play an important role in the stories, those whose presence constitute a obvious spoiler will not be listed until after their appearance in the story itself.  Additionally, new comments or facts that may provide spoiler information will be added after their relevant scenes have been posted.

The descriptions on this page will be lengthened and expanded over the next month or so.

Blood Deer Region: Quel'Thalas
*temp summary*
A breed of white deer, named because of the appearance left on the coats by the red juice of the irak fruit.

Blue Forest Wolf Region: Ashenvale  
Similar in appearance to Earth-Realm timber wolves, the blue forest wolf has a dusk-blue coat, the better to hide in the woods during their prime hunting times of sun-set and sun-rise.

Deer Region: Mount Hyjal  
*temp summary*
Further name refinements coming.  The breed is native only to Mount Hyjal and are quite rare.  The breed is large enough to be used as a mount.

Estra Preta Region: Southern Akinos  
A type of large, forest dwelling feline, native to Akinos.  Their fur is dark in colour, ideal for blending in with forest shadows.

Phoenix Hawk Region: xxxx  

Reubi Cat Region: Kalimdor

*temp summary*
They're pretty much cheetah's, slightly smaller and they're red in colour with black spots and amber eyes.  They live in Kalimdor and are sometimes used by the Tauren for hunting, much like people use birds of prey to hunt.

Rey'Saia Region: Ashenvale  
*temp summary*
A type of hunting cat bred by the Moon Elves.  They look rather like a cross between a large domestic cat and a clouded leopard, however they do not have the leopard like spotted coat.

Shadow Pheonix Region: xxxx  


Vidalećo Region: Ashenvale & Kalimdor

The largest living feline species on either Earth or Edrel.  Vidalećo are varying shades of purple, with distinctive blue markings on their face.  Commonly found in the grassland areas along the boarder between Kalimdor and Ashenvale, they are also known to be found more sparsely in the forests of Ashenvale.
Vidalećo mate for life, only taking a new mate if theirs dies and only if they are in the earlier stages of life.  Vidalećo are extremely loyal to their mates, and fiercely protective of both them and any offspring that reside with the mated pair.
Primarily carnivores, a mated pair can easily take down healthy full-grown prey, commonly choosing antelope, deer, or other large herbivores.  Typically hunting during the hours of dawn and sunset, their purple colouring allows them to blend in well with the shadows.
The vidalećo symbolizes calmness, family, strength, courage, fearlessness, the warrior aspect, beauty and cunning.  They are commonly connected with solar deities, though there are weaker lunar connections due in part to their nature of being active at times of transitory light.



This site was last updated 10/10/05