1. Don't cuss every other word. Guys we don't care if you cuss but don't do it just for the sake of doing it.
2. Quality over Quanity. In others words yes we like good size role plays with plenty of details but don't make it feel like we are reading 'Gone With The Wind' or 'War And Peace'. We do have lifes outside of this fed (REALY WE DO! ITS CALLED SLEEP!) so we don't have time to read a long roleplay that makes us want to take a nap! I don't care if you RP takes twenty years to up load, just make it entertaining!! Other wise keep it short and sweet. We prefer at least twenty lines.
3. Depending on how you roleplay can move you up or down in the rankings. A role play should first and for most entertaining. After all that is what wrestling is is entertainment. Second it should progress the story lines. Thirdly it should give evryone a feel for your character.
4. Guys music and pictures only bore us to death by taking more time to load. If you do this we WILL delete your role play. BUT! If you link to another page for you Role Play then as long as the pics arn't to big we will alow it!
5. Use HTML. Us differant colors for eatch person speaking and actions. This makes it easyer to read and lets the person read know who is talking.
6. If all else fails, look at the guys who are Main Eventers and see what they do in role plays that makes them main eventers.
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