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Date:9/27/01 Arena: WWD San Francisco Arena

WWD Debut Match
Ninja X

European/TV Title Two Falls. First Fall fo TV Title Second for European. Special guest ref the Prez
Napster/Vice Prez Chris
Mark Steele

Number One Contender for WWD Title Special ref Kreptian

Hardcore Title
Master Pimp


The WWD Thursday Throwout video plays and we are under way in the WWD Pittsburg Arena. Shots of the corwed are shown holding up Sparky 'OPPS' sighns Anchor 'ASSMONGER' sighns. We see a Destroyer fan holding up a 'Jett Jackson' sighn and we see a lot of Kreptain and Anchor sighns.

JS: "Hello I'm Jason Spade sitting in alone tonight because Benny has a cold! To night is a night of champions as we have almost all our Major Titles up for grabs or on the line. First up the Hardcore Brawl! Here comes Sparky! Man he shure is looking good!"

Hardcore Brawl
Master Pimp
Ninja X

JS: "These guys are pumped up. The rules there are none! This is an elimanation matchup meaning everyone must be pinned to win."

Sparky jumps on Ninja as Master Pimp and Devistator goes at it. Devistator has a chair. He nails Master Pimp. He turns and hits Ninja X. Sparky has his own chair and is beating on Ninja. The crowed is going nuts. Sparky pins Ninja X. 1... 2... 3...


Spark sits back and watches Master Pimp and Devistator go at it. The are on the out side. Master Pimp sends Devestator into the ring steps. Mastper Pimp has a chair and... WAP! He nails Devistator... He covers... 1... 2... Sparky breaks it up. Sparky goes for THE SPARK! COUNTRED BY MASTER PIMP! IMPLATED DDT!Cover 1... 2... 3..

JS: "Sparky is elminated! DEVISTATOR HAS A LADDER! He is beatin on Master Pimp! He lays Master pimp in between the latters sets of legs! He lcimbs the turn buckle..."

Devistator jumps off the turnbuckle to the outside onto the ladder. He covers... 1... 2... MARK STEELE BREAKS IT UP! HE nails Devistator with a chair and rolls Master Pimp atop him... 1... 2... 3... DING DING!

JS: "MARK STEELE SCREWED DEVISTATOR!! Master Pimp is the new Hardcore Champion! Couble singles gold for Steele Pimpin!

The Sceen goes to the back and in a split scrren shows ANchor and Kreptain arriving...

TV/European Two Falls Title Matchup. First Fall for TV Title Second for European!
Mark Steele(tv champ)
Napster(euro champ)

The fight starts off with Napster gaining an early advantage with right chops to the chest. Ringside is Master Pimp and Kimberly Steele. Napster whips the WWD TV Champ into the ropes but finds Mark Steele has countered with a flying clothes line. Steele picks Napster up off the matt and gives him a shot to the stomach. Napster is whipped into the corner and Mark Steele tries to land a splash but Napster dodges and counters with a bulldog. Napster whips Steele against the ropes and lands a boot to the face Napster climbs the top rope and waits for the TV Champ to stand. Napster goes for an axhandle slam but is nailed in the gut by a quick drop kick.Steele drags Napster to the center of the ring and gives the signal for the Steele strech.He goes to grab Napster but Napster hits a drop kick of his own and goes up top and signals the five star frog splash and lands it on Steele. The ref is distracted because of Kimberly Steele trying to jump into the ring. Napster gets up finds Master Pimp in the ring with a chair. He ducks the chair and kicks Pimp into Kimberly. Mark Steele gets his hands on Napster. STEELE STRECH! Napster taps and the ref calls for the bell. Steele releses the hold and goes to the corner with a smile. He is still the TV champ. One more fall is nessisary for the European belt. A ten Second timer hits the screen but is suddenly frozen. The song 'Insane in the Membrane' hits and Vice Prez Chris comes down to the ring and throws out Kimberly Steele and Master Pimp out of the area. He then gets into the ring and throws out the ref! He then calls for the bell.

JS: "Ice Prez Chris has just made himself the ref!"

The second match has offically begun, but Mark Steele has begun yelling at the Vice Prez. The vice prez starts yelling back and Napster attacks Steele from behind. Napster whips Steele into the ropes and counters Steele's attempt to clothesline with a drop kick. Napster goes for the pin. Fast count! 1.2.NO!! Steele kicks out quickly and Napster countinues his attack. Steele counters Napster with a huge foot to the face. PIN!! SLOW Mark Steele is livid and shoves the Vice Prez. The VP shoves back! Steele throws a punch and hits the Vice Prez! The Vice Prez fights back as 'Getch Ya Groove On' by Limp Bizkit hits and the Prez comes running to the ring to some heat. He pushes the VP whenever he gets into the ring. Then Master Pimp sneeks down and... LOW BLOW TO THE VICE PREZ!! Master Pimp bears on Chris as he Prez puts on a reff shirt. Mark Steele has since used a chair on Napster and covers. FAST COUNT 1.2. KICKOUT! No one can beleave it. STEELE STRECH! THe PRez doesn't wait for him to tap he calls for the bell. DING DING!!

April: "Here is your winner and New European Champion... MARK STEELE!

JS: "THE PREZ HAS SCREWED NAPSTER!! The Vice Prez has the mic...

VP: "I would like to anoucethat this Monday Master Pimp will have to defend his HArdcore title agains... ANCHOR!!! And Mark Steel will have defend both his titles against... Napster... and Myself in a Handie cap matchup that will be two falls!!"

JS: "Well the Vice Prez has just mandated two matches for this Monday!

US Title
Blood Lust

JS: "Man what a night as Destroyer comes to the ring. and... whats this... we seem to still be on the air... but we have lost power to the lights..."

Devil Without a Cause hits the speakers as fires burn all the way down the ramp and smoke fills the arena... Blood lSut seems to flow out of the smoke as he enters the ring. He starts off on Destroyer with a barrage of punches... Big Boot by Blood lust! Cover 1... 2... KICKOUT! Blood Lust has Destroyer up... he sets him up for a power bomb... Destroyer counters with a back body drop. Destroyer Cloths lines Blood Lust over the top rope.

JS: "Destroyer takes Blood Lust ver the side. Destroy jumps over the rope and Bam he lands on Blood Lust. He sends Blood Lust into the railing... He hammers his head on the steps. The ref is counting them out... 3... 4... 5... Blood Lust fights back.... 7.... He rolls in the ring then rol;ls out starting the count over. He DDTs Destroyer onto the mat. He rolls Destroyer into the Ring. Destroyer meets him as he comes in with a cloths line. Destroyer sets him up as Devestator coems running down with a chair. He looks to his Destroyer but Destroyer moves knocking over the reff and he hits Blood Lust. He seems stunned the tells Destroy to hit him with the Crippling Walls... tap tap tsap DING DING!! DESTROYER WINS!

April: "Here is your winner and NEW WWD US CHAMPION... DESTROYER!


Kreptains Music hits to a great pop and He makes his way down to the ring. Break Stuff hits the speakers and the crowed errupts into the cheers. Anchor Makes his way down to the ring. He and Kreptain squar off as the bell sounds. Some punches to the gut by Anchor. Anchor nails a DDT. He come sup and jumps off the ropes and falls and drops an elbow. He jumps up and brings Kreptain with him. He sets up Kreptain for a Back Body Slam but Kreptain coutners with a Roll up pin... 1... KICKOUT! Kreptain brings Anchor up and bulldogs him. He gets Anchor in a half crab... ropes... Anchor is up slowly. They tie up. Anchor wips Kreptian into the ropes and then comes off the other ropes. He nails a HUGE CLOTHSLINE! He jumps onto the turn buckle and... LEG DROP! Cover 1... 2... KICKOUT!

JS: "THis is goign to be one hell of a matchup...

The crowed is behind Anchor as he nails a Vertical suplex. Kreptain and Anchor pop up and Kreptain nails a barrage of punches... he sends him into the corner... He sets Anchor up ontop of the turnbuckle and he Suplex his off the top rope. He covers 1... 2... KICKOUT!! Kreptain picks up Anchor and send shim into the ropes. He nails a clothsline, comes off the rope and nails a knee drop. He picks up anchor and sets him up for a power bomb. Anchor revers into a hurricane ranna!

JS: "I have never seen a man that big do that move. It has to hurt!"

Kreptain is coming off the ropes and ducks a cloths line... he comes back with a flying elbow. Anchor gets up and avoids a drop kick. He then wipes Kreptain into the turnbuckle... He sets him up... kreptain stumbles out of the corner... TORPEDO!!! ANCHOR COVERS!!! 1... 2... KICKOUT!!! Anchor can't beleave it. He pick up Kreptain KREPTAIYTE!!! Kreptain covers ...1 ...2 .. KICK OUT! ANCHOR KICKED OUT! KReptain is in total Shock. Anchor is up and gives Kreptain a German suplex. Kreptain then nails a belly to belly. ANOTHE RKREPTNYTE COVER 1... 2... 3... DING DING DING!! KREPTAIN WINS!!

AG: "HERE IS YOUR WINNER AND NEW WWD CHAMPION.... KREPTAIN!!! AND YOUR NEW WWD IC CHAMPION... ANCHOR!! JS: What a matchup ladies and gentalmen as we have to you leav you know! But we will see you again this monday on MAddness...

Credits: Mark Steel vs Napster - The VP The Rest The Prez

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