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about the webmistress

name -- kitten

hometown -- dayton, ohio

height -- 5'2''

weight -- 125lbs

occupation -- co- owner of a growing backyard federation -- oawc

< ohio amateur wrestling circuit >

freshman in college and webmistress

finisher -- a modified flying ddt < cat scratch fever >

goals -- wwf... as a manager or working in the new media department

My interest in wrestling began as a small child. I was the typical mark back then. Of course, I was only 5 years old. I liked all the greats -- Sting, Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant. But as I got older, my admiration for the wrestling buisness grew. I knew that these people put a hell of a lot of effort to keep people like me entertained, and it made me look at the wrestling buisness in a whole new light. And then...I moved.

Moving shouldn't have changed anything about that, but it did. In the time that I had moved, both Raw is War and Nitro had both come out, and I had absolutely no clue. I couldn't find my wrestling on any station, and so I gave up.

A year later, I was sitting in front of my TV with nothing to do, and I saw a familiar face. But at the same time, I didn't recognize him. I now realized that it was wrestling, and the announcer had just said the name. Sting. Had so much happened in the year that I had stopped watching that I couldn't even recognize wrestlers anymore? Of course, I had been exaggerating, because Sting was the only character who had changed that dramatically. He now had his " Crow" character, and I was completely lost. So, dejected, I flipped the station. Lo and behold, Raw was on. This was new and different to me as I had never really been a WWF junkie. But the storylines and action caught me and I was hooked.

I knew right then and there that THIS was the company I wanted to work for. They have managed to put out an amazing product every Monday and Thursday, not to mention pay-per-views. I want to be a part of that. So if any of you wrestlers out there see this, and would like to throw in a good word for little old me, I won't mind. If not, then I'll just see you when I get there. And trust me, it'll be sooner, rather than later.

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Disclaimer: I, as the creator of this UNOFFICIAL website dedicated to Jeff Hardy, have absolutely NO connection to the WWF or WWFE.Inc. . I do not make a profit off this ( although that would be spiffy...), and am doing it out of my respect and admiration for Mr. Hardy's talent. And also because it's fun. I just want to spread the joy of Jeff Hardy to the world!