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Since wrestling is what Jeff does...I figured it would be nice to have the results of his matches up here for all to read. Enjoy...

8/28/2000 -- Raw Is War

A battered Edge & Christian headed to the ring next, still the Federation Tag Team Champions. A somber Christian said that they couldn't do their schtick after the TLC Match, and Edge added that they had more respect for the Dudleys and Hardys than either team could imagine. They said that the Dudleys weren't in the building, but they asked the Hardys to come out so they could shake their hands.

The Hardy Boyz' music hit, but instead it was two midgets who came out dressed as Matt and Jeff! Edge & Christian looked on and laughed as the two men got into the ring, complete with two stepping stools!

Christian then said it didn't matter who they were in the ring with -- it could have even been the Bushwhackers or Techno Team 2000!

That brought out the Dudley Boyz, or at least Edge & Christian's version of the Dudleys -- two more midgets, bringing down a kiddie table! Edge & Christian then re-enacted the TLC Match with the midgets!

Then, Edge & Christian kept their pre-SummerSlam promise -- the 37-second pose! The duo did many assorted poses in the ring with the midgets and the title belts! But that brought the real Hardy Boyz to the ring. The North Carolineans kicked the champions' asses, crashing Edge between two ladders. As the Hardys prepared to splash onto Edge from the ladders, Christian barely saved his tag team partner.

8/31/2000 -- Smackdown

The Hardy Boyz and Lita promised to leave their home state of North Carolina as victors prior to their six-person tag team match against Edge, Christian and Jacqueline. Indeed, after a Swanton Bomb, Jeff pinned Christian for the win!

9/10/2000 -- Sunday Night Heat

The Hardy Boyz and Federation Womens Champion Lita battled Lo Down and Ivory in HEATS main event. Matt, Jeff and Lita controlled the match until Litas attempt at a flying body press failed when DLo executed a powerslam. After Ivory took the boots to Lita and nearly pinned her, all six competitors hit the ring and started a wild brawl, which suited the Hardys and Lita. The aerial tactics of Matt, Jeff and Lita were like poetry in motion until DLo nearly pinned Jeff with Sky High. The Hardys and Lita rebounded with a triple clothesline on Chaz and DLo. Lita then hit a hurricanrana on DLo to send him out of the ring, where he was met with a Jeff Hardy swan dive. Alone in the ring with Ivory, Lita hit the Twist of Fate to set up for her finisher, the moonsault, to gain the win for her team!

9/11/2000 -- Raw Is War

In a match to determine the No. 1 contenders for the Tag Team Title, the Dudley Boyz took on the Hardy Boyz, with Edge and Christian joining King and J.R. on commentary. The action in the ring was high-paced and brutal, and both teams had many near-falls. After a bit, Edge determined it was time for an E.C.R.I. - an Edge and Christian Run-In! Edge nailed Buh Buh with his title, but Matt Hardy fell on top of the Dudley. The referee turned around in time to count a pinfall, declaring the Hardys the No. 1 contenders! Then, Edge and Christian cleared the ring of the Hardys, but still had to deal with the Dudleys. After knocking out Christian, the brothers nailed Edge with a 3D through a table!

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Disclaimer: I, as the creator of this UNOFFICIAL website dedicated to Jeff Hardy, have absolutely NO connection to the WWF or WWFE.Inc. . I do not make a profit off this ( although that would be spiffy...), and am doing it out of my respect and admiration for Mr. Hardy's talent. And also because it's fun. I just want to spread the joy of Jeff Hardy to the world!