Jaden's OTHER Stories...

Addiction **Chris Noth One Shot**
What Can I Say **Taylor Lautner**
Far Away **Daniel Radcliffe**
Believe **Harry Potter**
Fly **Twilight Saga Jacob Black**
All Falls Down **Twilight Saga Jacob Black**
Dear Agony **Twilight Saga Jacob Black**
Never Knew I Needed **Twilight Saga Jacob Black**
Sooner Or Later **Twilight Saga Jacob Black**
Stronger **Twilight Saga Jacob Black**
Let It Hurt **Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore**
All I Need **Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore**
Spellbound **Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore**
Glass **Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore**
How to Deal **Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore**
Fractured **Arrow Oliver Queen**
Peregrination **Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel: Crow Armbrust**
Phantasm **Supernatural Dean Winchester One Shot**
Veracity ~Part 2 to Phantasm~ **Supernatural Dean Winchester One Shot**
Reciprocity ~Supernatural Dean Winchester**
Persevere **12 Rounds 3: Lockdown One Shot ~John Shaw~

These stories are STRICTLY for entertainment purposes, nothing else. I don't own anything associated with the WWE or any other organization.**
If you have any questions, please email darkfantasyrealms@hotmail.com.

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Jaden 3
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