My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
C celsius, centigrade
c with
C deficile = C. difficile *a stool test* *clostridium difficile*
C&S culture & sensitivity
C&S bleed *s/l* CNS bleed
C. defocele *s/l* C. difficile, C. diff. - spell out Clostridium difficile
c/o complains of
C2 area of the cheek C2 dermatone - located in the cheek area *see also V2 area*
C5-C6 designated areas of the spinal column
CA slang for carcinoma *spell out carcinoma - don't use CA*
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CABG heart bypass surgery
CAD corony artery disease
cal TB protocol *s/l* CalGB protocol
calamint medicinal herb
calcaneal spur  
calcaneo- pertaining to the heel bone
calcified granuloma  
calcitonin hormone that lowers blood calcium
calcium mineral in bone
calcium channel blockers agents that inhibit the entry of calcium ions in heart mucsle cells causing a slowing of the heart rate, lessening the demand for oxygen and nutrients, and relaxing of the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels to cause dilation; used to prevent or treat angina pectoris and hypertension
calculus stone
Caldwell-Luc procedure procedure for chronic sinusitis
Calendula flower herbal medicine
caliber small airway caliber
caliceal pertaining to a renal calyx
cal-meg calcium-magnesium
calvaria*n* re: skull
calyces a systems of ducts carrying urine from the nephrons to the renal pelvis *calyx = cup of a flower*
calyx cup of a flower
camphenoids *s/l* Correct spelling cannabinoids - cannabinoids on board = positive for maijuana use
Camptosar an antoneoplastic
canal of Schlemm duct in anterior chamber that carries filtered aqueous humor to the veins and bloodstream
canalization opening of a new passage through an obstructed vessel
cancellous spongy
cancer staging T=tumor 2=Size B=Represents stage 2 N=extent of spread to lymph nodes *N0=none* M=extent of spread to other parts of the body *M0 = none*
Candida STD
Candida albicans  
cannabinoids cannabinoids on board = positive for marijuana use
canthozar *s/l* camptosar *cancer therapy*
cap capsule
capa-lit-chain kappa light chain *if word processor allow greek Kappa use it - otherwise type it out kappa
capi head
capillaries tiny vessels that join arterioles and venules
capillary the smallest blood vessel
capillary refill or delayed capillary refill
capitis head
capn- carbon dioxide
capno- smoke
Capoten drug
Capoten drug
caprylic acid herbal medicine
capsicum *cayenne* herbal medicine
capsule small container
caraway seed herbal medicine
carb- carbon dioxide
carbamazepine *Tegretol* drug for convulsions, seizures, epilepsy
carbon dioxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide *CO2* - a colorless, odorless, nonflammable gas produced in respiration, and given off by the tissues to the blood, to be exhaled by the lungs in exchange for oxygen.
carbuncle skin infection consisting of clusters of foruncles
carcin cancer
carcinoembryonic antigen *CEA* an antigen present in very small quantity in adult tissue; greater than normal amounts are suggestive of cancer
carcinoma cancer tumor
carcinoma in situ *CIS* of the cervix malignant cell cganges of the cervix that are localized without any spread to adjacent structures
cardi- heart
cardiac pertaining to heart
cardiac catheterization intruduction of a flexible, narrow tube *catheter* through a vein or artery into the heart to withdraw samples of blood, measure pressures within the heart chambers or vessels, and inject contrast media for fluoriscopic radiography and cine film *motion picture* imaging of the chambers of the heart and coronary arteries--very often includes interventional procedures such as angioplasty, atherectomy, etc.
cardiac chambers  
cardiac enzymes also, serial cardiac enzymes
cardiac output the amount of blood pumped by one ventricle in one minute
cardiac output *CO* measurement of the amount of blood ejected from either ventricle of the heart per minute
cardiac silhouette  
cardiac sphincter opening from esophagus to stomach
cardiac tamponade compression of the heart produced by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac as results from pericarditis of or trauma, causing rupture of a blood vessel within the heart *tampon=plug*
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomyopathy a general term for disease of the heart muscle *e.g. alcoholic cardiomyopathy-damage to the heart caused by excessive consumption of alcohol*
cardioplegic solution used to stop the heart
Cardiopulmonary *C/P* Cardiopulmonary *C/P* - pertaining to both heart and lungs
cardiopulmonary bypass also known as heart-lung bypass
cardiopulmonary bypass method used to divert blood away from the heart and lungs temporarily while surgery on the heart and vessels is performed
cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR a method of artificial respiration and closed chest massage used to restore breathing and cardiac output after cardiac arrest
cardiorrhexis rupture of the heart
cardiotonic a drug that increases the force of myocardial contractions in the heart commonly used to treat congestive heart failure
cardioversion restoration of heart to normal rythym
Cardizem drug
carinii pneumonia  
carotene yellowish pigment in the skin of Asian people
carotid arteries carries blood to the brain
carotid bruits  
carotid endarterectomy  
carotid pulsations  
carotid TIA ischemia of the anterior circulation of the brain
carpal tunnel syndrome compression of median nerve at the wrist
carpitates *s/l* crepitus
Carrisyn *acemannan* Carrisyn *acemannan* — antiviral, immunomodulator
cartilage rubbery connective tissue
cascara sagrada bark herbal medicine
caseous necrosis degeneration and death of tissue with a cheese-like appearance
cast, handshake  
cast, hanging  
cast, long arm  
cast, short arm  
casting use of a stiff, solid dressing around a limb or other body part to immobilize it during healing
cataplexy attacks of paralysis
cataract opaque clouding of the lens causing decreased vision
catecholamines hormones derived from amino acids; epinephrine is one
catgut absorbable monofiament suture of organic material
cath usually catherization, sometimes catheter
cathartic drug that causes movement of the bowels; also called a laxative
cath'd catheterized
catnip herbal medicine
cauda equina spinal nerves at the level of L2
caudal signifying a position toward the distal *away from the farthest point* end of the body
caudal edge  
causo burning
cautery electric current
cavarean *s/l* calvarian - incorrect for of calvaria but accepted *re:skull*
cavernous ICA cavernous internal carotid artery
Cawthorne type exercises for treatment of disequilibrium & episodic vertigo
cayenne powder herbal medicine
CBC Complete Blood Count
CC Chief Complaint
cc cubic centimeter *1 cc = 1ml*
CCU coronary *cardiac* care unit
CDC Center for Disease Control
CDC Center for Disease Control
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
ceco- cecum
cecum a cavity open at one end *as the blind end of a duct*; especially : the blind pouch at the beginning of the large intestine into which the ileum opens from one side and which is continuous with the colon
cele- pouching or hernia
Celebrex *celecoxib* drug for ostearthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
celecoxib *Celebrex* drug for ostearthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
celery lead and seed herbal medicine
Celexa SSRI *selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor* for depression; investigational for alzheimers
celi- abdomen
celiac abdomen
celiac pertaining to the abdomen
celio abdomen or belly
cell cells
cell proliferation  
Cenestin *synthetic conjugated estrogens* drug for menopause
centaury herbal medicine
centesis puncture or aspiration
centigray ex: 5020 centigray radiotherapy (abbreviated as cGy)
centr center
central nervous system *CNS*  
central venous pressure  
cephal head
cephalalgia pain in the head *headache*
cephalic head
cephalodynia pain in the head *headache*
cephalopelvic disproportion CPD condition preventing normal delivery through the birth canal-either the baby's head is too large or the birth canal is too small
ceptor *s/l* Septra
cerebell- cerebellum *little brain*
cerebellum portion of the brain located below the occipital lobes of the cerebrum, reponsible for control and coordination of skeletal muscles
cerebral aneurysm dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
cerebral angiogram  
cerebral arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries of the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis condition of lipid buildup within the blood vessels of the brain
cerebral cortex outer layer of the cerebrum consisting of gray matter, responsible for higher mental functions
cerebral embolism presence of a floating clot in a blood vessel in the brain
cerebral palsy *CP* condition of motor disfunction caused by damage to the cerebrum during development or injury at birth characterized by partial paralysis and lack of muscle coordination
cerebral revascularization anastomosis of the extracranial artery to intracranial artery to bypass structure
cerebral thrombosis presence of a stationary clot in a blood vessel in the brain
cerebro- brain
cerebrospinal fluid plasma-like clear fluid circulating in and around the brain and spinal cord
cerebrovascular accident *CVA* damage to the brained caused by cerebrovascular disease such as occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus or thrombus or intracranial hemorrhage after rupture of an aneurysm
cerebrovascular disease disorder resulting from achange within one or more blood vessels in the brain
cerebrum largest protion of the brain; it is divided into right and left halves known as cerebral hemispheres that are connected by a bridge of nerve fibers called corpus callosum; kobes of the cerebrum are named after the skull bones they underlie
cerumen a waxy substance secreted by glands located throughout the external canal
cerumen impaction excessive buildup of wax in the ear
cerumin- wax
cervic- neck or cervix
cervical neck
cervical carcinoma of the cervix malignant cell cganges of the cervix that are localized without any spread to adjacent structures
cervical conization removal of a cone-shaped portion of the cervix
cervical dysplasia potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix, graded according to the extent of abnormal cell formation, CIN I mild dysplasia, CIN II moderate dysplasia, CIN III severe dysplasia
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia *CIN* potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix, graded according to the extent of abnormal cell formation, CIN I mild dysplasia, CIN II moderate dysplasia, CIN III severe dysplasia
cervical lymphadenopathy  
cervical motion tenderness  
cervical neoplasia abnormal development of cervical tissue cells
cervical os opening of the cervix to the uterus
cervical syrinx  
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
cervix neck of the uterus
cesarean section *C-section* surgical delivery of a baby by making an incision through the abdomen and into the uterus
CF Cystic Fibrosis *CF* - a disease of the mucus and sweat glands which causes disorders of the lungs and pancreas.
CFF Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
cGy centigray (re: radiotherapy)
chalazion chronic nodular inflammation of the meibomian gland, usually the result of a blocked duct
chamomile herbal medicine-for dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, and wound healing; if taken by mouth good for inflammations of the mouth and throat *chamomile tea*
chamomile flower herbal medicine
chancre ulcer
chancroid *STD* infection caused by a bacillus that erupts as a papule on the skin of the penis, urethra, or anus and ulcerates and spreads, causing enlarged lymph nodes in the groin
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease disease of muscular atrophy
Charlevoix-Saguenay Syndrome  
cheeks lateral walls of the mouth
cheil- lip
cheilitis inflammation and cracking of the lips
cheiloplasty repair of the lip
Chem-20 lab test *glucose, creatinine, , etc.; a panel of test = Chem-XX, XX = number of tests to be performed
chemes allergen
chemical peel a technique for restoring wrinkled, scarred, or blemished skin by application of an acid solution to peel away the top layers of the skin
chemosurgery a technique for restoring wrinkled, scarred, or blemished skin by application of an acid solution to peel away the top layers of the skin
chemotherapy treatment of malignancies, infections, and other disease with chemical agents that detroy selected cells or impair their ability to reproduce
cherry angioma a small, round, bright red blood vessel tumor on the skin, often on the trunk of the elderly
chervil herbal medicine
chest position *s/l* knee-chest position
chest tomograms chest tomograms
Cheyne-Stokes respiration pattern of breathing characterized by a gradual increase of depth and sometimes rate to a maximum level, followed by a decrease, resulting in apnea
chezo defecate
CHF Congestive Heart Failure *CHF* - failure of the heart to maintain adequate blood circulation
Chiari I malformation re: head/skull/brain
chickweed herbal medicine
CHIP Cooperative for Health Insurance Purchasing
chir hand
chlamydia *STD* most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in North America, often ocurrs with no symptoms and is treated only after it is spread
Chlamydia slide test  
chocolate mayduca *s/l* caput medusae
chocolate ovarian cyst caused by endometriosis named for the thick brown fluid it contains
chol- bile
cholangiogram x-ray of the bile ducts; often performed during surgery
cholangitis inflammation of the bile duct
cholecystectomy also check colocystectomy
cholecystectomy excision of the gallbladder
cholecystitis inflammation of the gall bladder
cholecystogram taken after oral ingestion of iodine
cholecystokinin hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to contract and release
choledoch- common bile duct
choledocholithotomy incision of the common bile duct for extraction of gallstones
cholelithiasis presence of stones in the gall bladder or bile ducts
cholelithotomy an incison for removal of gallstones
cholelithotripsy crushing of gallstones
cholesteatoma collection of cholesterol within a sac in the middle ear
chondr- cartilage *gristle*
chondromalacia degeneration of cartilage of kneecap
chondrometaplasial ex: grade III chondrometaplasial changes
chordee an abnormal curvature of the penis
chorio- outermost membrane surrounding the developing embryo
choriocarcinoma malignant tumor of pregnant uterus
chorion membrane surrounding embryo but part of placenta
chorionic villus sampling *CVS* sampling of placental tissue for microscopic and chemical examination to detect fetal abnormalities
choroid vascu;ar layer between the sclera that proveds nourishment to outer portions of the retina
chroma color
chromic suture  
chronic refers to a disease or disorder that shows little change in symptoms from day to day, but implies a continuing disease process with progressive deterioration.
chronic bronchitis chronic bronchitis
chronic bronchitis to be considered chronic, there must be a productive cough on most days for at least three months of the year, for at least two consecutive years.
Chronic diffuse fibrosing  
Chronic diffuse sclerosing  
Chronic interstitial pneumonia  
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease *COPD* permanent, destructive pulmonary disorder that is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema
Chvostek sign spasm of the facial mucles precipitated by tapping the facial nerve in the region of the parotid gland
chymo juice
chymopapain pain medicine for slipped disks
chymopapain allergen
cicatrix mark left by healed wound *scar*
cicatrix of the skin mark left by the healing of a wound showing the replacement of destroyed tissue by fibrous tissue *scar*
cilia hair-like processes from the surface of the epithelial cells, such as those of the bronchi, that provide upward movement of mucous cell secretions
ciliary body ring of muscle behind th peripheral iris that controls the power if the lens
ciliary muscle smooth muscle portion of the ciliary body which contracts to assist in near vision capability
Cillium *psyllium* drug for constipation
cilostazol *Pletal* drug for intermittent claudication
CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia *CIN*
CIN-3 or CIN-III - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
cine film motion picture
cipro *s/l* short for ciprofloxacin
circle of Willis re: head/brain
circum- around
circumcision removal of the foreskin *prepuce* exposing the glans penis
circumvascular pertaining to around a vessel
cirrho yellow
cirrhosis chronic disease characterized by degeneration of the liver tissue most often caused by alcoholism or nutrition deficiency
CIS carcinoma in situ
Cladosporium allergen
claft palate repair mouth, plastic surgery procedure
clasetomide eye drops *s/l* sulfacetamide eye drops - opthalmic solution
classtiotoma *s/l* cholesteatoma
claudication cramp in a leg muscle
claudication to limp; pain in a limb *especially the calf* while walking that subsides after rest; it is caused by inadequate blood supply
claviculo- pertaining to the collar bone
CLD Chronic Lung Disease
CLD Chronic Lung Disease *CLD* - broad term covering both obstructive conditions, characterized by a slow rate of forced expiration, and restrictive disease characterized by a reduction in total lung capacity.
clinton catheter *s/l* Quinton catheter
clitoris female erectile tissue situated in the anterior portion of the vulva
clonidine can be used for patients attempting to withdraw from nicotine
cloricks *s/l* caloric testing
closed reduction external fixation of a fracture manipulation of a fracture to regain alignment from the outside along with application of an external devise to protect and hold the fracture while healing
closed reduction percutaneous fixation of a fracture manipulation of a fracture from the outside to regain alignment followed by inserton of a pin to maintain position
clotrimazole antifungal - over the counter *Lotrimin, Mycelex*
cloudy secretions with malador  
clubbing Clubbing - refers to a condition where tips of the fingers enlarge and the nails become curved from front to back as a result of chronic low blood-oxygen levels. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
clubfoot a condition know as talipes equinovarus
clue clue cells
clue,trig,hyfee clue cells, Trichomonas, hyphae
cluster headache recurrent episodes of severe unilateral orbital pain
cm centimeter *2.5 cm = 1 inch*
CMV cytomegalovirus
CMV retinitis CMV=cytomegalovirous retinitis
CMV titer  
CNS bleed  
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO cardiac output
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
coagula clot
coarctation of the aorta narrowing of the descending portion of the aorta resultng in a limited flow of blood to the lower part of the body
coarse breath sounds  
coarse rales  
coccidioidomycosis also know as San Joaquin valley fever, a granulomatous lung disease
coccyx tailbone
cochlea coiled tubular structure of the inner ear that contains the organ of Corti
coffee-grounds emesis dark brown vomit
coin lesion  
coitus intercourse
col- colon
col- colon
coonic inertial-  
colchicine drug for biliary cirrhosis
Colchicine drug s/l coltrazine, colterzine
COLD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease *Same as COPD*
cold caloric test name of the test used to determine vestibukar function by pouring ice water into the ear canal
cold Freone effect cold Freon effect: patient stops inhaling when the cold propellant spray hits the back of the mouth
colic acute abdominal pain
colicystectomy *s/l* cholecystectomy
colitis inflammation of the colon *large intestine*
collagen protein substance found in skin and connective tissue
collagen disease collagen=insoluable fibrous protein that occurs in vertebrates as connective tissue and in bones
collapsed lung  
collateral laxity  
collateral ligament  
collateral stability  
colloid goiter  
colo- colon
colocystectomy also check cholecystectomy
colombo root herbal medicine
colon- colon
colon portions of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum identified by size and shape
colon, ascending portion that extends upward from the cecum
colon, descending portion that extends down from the transverse colon
colon, sigmoid portion resembling an "s" that terminates at the rectum
colon, transverse portion that extends across the ascending colon
colonectomy correct is colectomy
colonoscopy examination of the colon using a flexible colonscope
colostomy creation of an opening in the colon through the abdominal wall to create an abdominal anus; performed to treat a diseased colon such as that which occurs with ulcerative colitis, cancer, obstruction
colostrum a fluid produced by the mammary glands for the first few days after childbirth
colp- vagina *sheath*
colporrhaphy suture to repir the vagina
colposcopy examination of the vagina and cervix using a colposcope
coltsfoot herb & flower herbal medicine
coma a deep sleep; a general term referring to levels of decreased consciousness with varying responsiveness; a common method of assessment is the Glasgow coma scale
comato- deep sleep
comedo a blackhead caused by a plug of sebum *oil* within the opening of a hair follicle
comedone blackhead
comfrey herbal medicine
communicating hydrocephalus cause of dementia
communis extensor digitorum communis
compassionate use  
Compazine drug
compensated compensated
computed axial tomography *CAT* a radiologic procedure using a macine called a scanner to examine a body site by taking a series of cross-sectional images one slice at a time in a full circle rotation; a computer then calculates and converts the rates of absorption and density of the x-rays into a picture on the screen
conchae bony structures projecting from lateral walls of nose
concomintent *s/l* concomitant - ocurring or existing with something else
concussion temporary brain dysfunction after injury
conductive hearing loss hearing impairment caused by interference with sound or vibratory energy in the external canal, middle ear, or ossicles
condure calcinosis *s/l* chondrocalcinosis
condyle knuckle-like process at end of bone near joint
condylemalacia *s/l* check chondromalacia *as patellar chondromalacia*
condyloma warty growth on skin or mucous membranes; usually near the anus or genital area
condyloma acuminata plural
condyloma acuminatum virus transmitted by direct sexual contact that causes an infection that can occur on the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals; on the skin the lesions appear as cauliflower like warts, and on mucous membranes they have a flat appearance * also known as venereal or genital warts*
condylomata acuminatum virus transmitted by direct sexual contact that causes an infection that can occur on the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals; on the skin the lesions appear as cauliflower like warts, and on mucous membranes they have a flat appearance * also known as venereal or genital warts*
cones cone-shaped cells within the retina that are color sensitive and respond to bright light
confluent running together such as the sinuses of the dura mater, or some skin eruptions
confusion confusion
congenital pertaining to being born with
congenital anomalies birth defects *irregularities*
congenital anomalies malformation of the heart present at birth
congenital anomaly of the heart malfunction of the heart present at birth
congenital megacolon dilation and hypertrophy of the colon *known as Hirshsprung disease*
congestive heart failure *CHF* failure of the left ventricle to pump an adequate amount of blood to meet the demands of the body; resulting in a "bottleneck" of congestion in the lungs that may extend to the veins, causing edema in lower portions of the body
conio- dust
conjunctiv- conjunctiva *to join together*
conjunctiva joining together; mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and outer surface of the eyeball
conjunctiva pl=conjunctivae - thin mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the white of the eyeball *sclera*
conjunctivitis pink eye; inflammation of the conjunctiva
Conn syndrome primary aldosternoism
Conners' rating scale rating scales of problem behavoir
consolidative changes  
constriction compression of a part
constriction narrowing
contact lens a small plastic curved disc with optical correction that fits over the cornea; used to correct refractive errors
continuous positive airway pressure CPAP
con-together or with  
contra- against or opposed
contraception opposed to becoming pregnant
contraceptive implant insertion of a contraceptive capsule under the skin providing a continual infusion over an extended time
contraceptive injection injection of the hormone into the body such as Depo-Provera
contraceptive, barrier products that provide a physical barrier that prevents conceptions *condoms, diaphragms*
contrecoup injury contusion of the brain's impact on the skull oposite the blow
convulsion to pull together; type of siezure that causes a series of sudden, involuntary contractions of muscles
Cooley type of angled clamp
Coombs test  
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease *COPD* - COPD is diagnosed when chronic bronchitis and emphysema present themselves as one disease, most often in smokers and former smokers. The definition of COPD recognized by both the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society is a disorder characterized by reduced maximal expiratory flow and slow forced emptying of the lungs; features that do not change markedly over several months. This airflow limitation is only minimally reversible with bronchodilators.
copper wiring narrowing of the arterioles in the retina
cor muscular organ that maintains circulation
COR on physical examination subheading for HEART
cor heart
core antigen  
cor pulmonale a condition of enlargement of the right ventricle as a result of chronic disease within the lungs that causes congestion within the pulmonary circulation and resistance of blood flow to the lungs
coracoacromial coracoacromial ligament
cordotomy interruption of lateral spinothalamic tract of spinal cord
cords no cords were palpable
corium dense, fibrous connective tissue layer of the skin
corne- cornea
cornea transparent, anterior part of the eyeball covering the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber that functions to refract light to focus a visual image
corneae plural of cornea
cornsilk herbal medicine
coron- circle or crown
corona *s/l* corina
coronal pertaining to the corona - a crownlike projection or encircling structure; such as a process extending from a bone
coronary angiogram x-tray of the blood vessels of the heart
coronary artery bypass graft *CABG* grafting of a portion of a blood vessel retrieved from another part of the body *such as a length of saphenous vein from leg or mammary artery from the chest wall* to bypass an occluded coronary artery restoring circulation to myocardial tissue
coronary artery disease *CAD* a condition affecting arteries of the heart that reduces the flow of blood and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium-most often caused by atherosclerosis
coronary circulation circulation of blood through the coronary blood vessels to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle tissue
corpor body
corpus main portion of the uterus
corpus callosum where sperm is produced
corpus luteum part of the follicle that remains behind in the ovary after the ovum ruptures
Cortef drug
cortex outer part of the kidney *cortex = bark*
cortex stimulaton *s/l* photix stimulation
Corti, organ of organ located in the cochlea which contains receptors *hair cells* that receive vibrations and generate nerve impulses for hearing
cortico- outer region
corticosteriod Corticosteroid - natural or synthetic hormones like those produced by the body's adrenal glands which are used to reduce swelling and inflammation
cortisol hormone excreted by adrenal cortex that increases blood sugar
coryza common cold
coryza head cold; inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes
cosamine *s/l* glucosamine
cost- rib
costal margin  
costectomy surgical excision of a rib
costo- pertaining to the ribs
costophrenic angles  
cot, finger  
COTA Children's Organ Transplantation Association
cotal *s/l* caudal
cotelloreecunaculum *s/l* patellar retinaculum
cotton-wool spots  
Cotugno's disease pain radiating from the back to the buttock and into the lower extremity, Pain anywhere olong the sciatic nerve.
cotyledons subdivisions on the uterine surface of the placenta
Coumadin for skin ulcerations
Counsel *s/l* Konsyl *drug for diarrhea/cramps*
Cowper's glands pair of glands below the prostate with ducts opening into the urethra -adds a viscid *sticky* fluid to semen *another name for bulbourethral glands*
CP cerebral palsy
CP chest pain
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure *CPAP* - a machine which administers a continuous flow of air under pressure via a nose mask to keep airways open and unobstructed.
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
CPK CPK: creatine phosphokinase
CPK-MB lab test
CPK-MB via electrophoresis lab test
CPT Chest Physical Therapy
CPT Chest Physiotherapy
crackles popping sounds heard on auscultation of the lung when air enters diseased airways and alveoli-occurs in disorders such as bronchiectasis or atelectasis
crackling rales  
crack-o-cromial *s/l* coracoacromial
cradle vision *s/l* transfacial excision
cramp bark herbal medicine
crani- skull
cranial nerves 12 pairs of nerves arising from the brain
cranial nerves 2 to 12 *s/l* cranial nerves II to XII
cranial structure thin membrane that connects skull bones
craniectomy excision of part of the skull to approach the brain
crani-eye pneumonia *s/l* carinii pneumonia
cranio- pertaining to the skull
craniopharyngioma childhood tumor that develops from the nasopharynx, consisting of cystic masses filled with cloudy fluid that may compress the pituitary gland
craniotome a drill
craniotomy incision into the skull to approach the brain
creatinine waste product of muscle metabolism filtered out of the blood by the kidneys, and excreted in urine
creatinine clearance testing measurements of the level of creatinine in the blood and a 24-hour urine specimine to determine the rate that creatinine is "cleared" from the blood by the kidneys
creatinine serum test test to determine the level of creatinine in the blood, useful in assessing kidney function
creatinine urine test test to determine the level of creatinine in the urine
crème de menthe sweet green colorless mint-flavored liquor
crepitant rales  
crepitants crackling sound in the chest
crepitation grating sound made by movement of some joints or broken bones
crepitus crepitus
crepitus grating sound made by movement of some joints or broken bones
crepitus sensation felt on placing the hand over the seat of a fracture when bone ends are moved OR noise or vibration produced by rubbing bone or irregular cartilage surfaces together
creps *s/l* maybe collapse
cretinism condition of congenital hypothyroidism in children, that results in lack of mental development and dwarfed physical stature
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease signs and symptoms are much like those of mad cow disease
cricoid cartilage cricoid cartilage
cricopharyngeal cricopharyngeal
cricothyroid cricothyroid
crin secrete
crin- to secrete
critacaid *s/l*- Critic-Aide; skin paste
crino- secrete
CRL crown rump length
cromocytome *s/l* pheochromocytoma
croup inflammation of the upper airways and swelling that creates a funnel-shaped elongation of the tissue causing a distinct "seal bark" cough - also called laryngotracheobronchitis
croup tent  
crouton (crouton chips) small chips/hunks of bone
cruciate a partial tear of the anterior cruciate
cruciate ligaments two ligaments *anterior and posterior* that cross each other in the knee
crust dried residue of serum *body fluid*, pus, or blood on the skin *impetigo*
cryo- cold
cryosurgery method of destroying tissue by freezing - used for treating dysplasia and early cancers
crypt to hide
crypto- hidden
cryptococcal meningitis  
Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
crytorchidism undescended testicle; failure of a testis to descend into scrotal sac during fetal development; it most often remains lodged in the abdomen or inguinal canal requiring surgical repair
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CSF CSF protein, CSF glucose
CT computed tomography
CT interval *s/l* Q-T interval
CT/CAT Computed {axial} Tomography
CTA or CT Computerized Axial Tomography Scan *CAT or CT* - An x-ray procedure that uses a computer to produce a series of three dimensional images of the body and it's organs. [Illus]
ctyomegalovirus retinitis  
cu mm cubic millimeter
cubeb berry herbal medicine
cuff, vaginal  
cul-de-sac cavity that lies between the rectum and posterior wall of the uterus, also known as pouch of Douglas
culdocentesis aspiration of fluid from the cul-de-sac *cavity that lies between the rectum and posterior wall of the uterus*-used for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease
culture and sensitivity *C&S* technique of isolating and growing colonies of microorganisms to identify a pathogen and to determine which drugs might be effective in combatting the infection it caused
cupis point
curcumin herbal medicine
curettage to clean; scraping a cound using a spoon-like cutting instrument called a currette - this technique used in debridement
curlex *s/l* see Kerlix
curriculum vitae physician's resume
Cushing syndrome condition resulting from hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex; often caused by a tumor and characterized by obesity; hyperglycemia, and weakness
cuspids canine teeth
cutane skin
cutee *s/l* acuity
CVA cerebrovascular accident
CVA Masses cerebrovascular accident or costovertebral angle
CVS chorionic villus sampling
CXR Chest X-Ray *CXR* - images of the chest cavity can be used to assess lung disease. Dense structures of the body, like bone, will appear white; air will be indicated by areas in black *'air' is a void which can't be photographed*. All other structures will appear as shades of gray.
cyan blue
cyanosis Cyanosis - dusky bluish or purplish tinge to the skin caused by insufficient blood oxygen
cyanotic pertaining to blue
cyclovir *s/l* ganciclovir - AIDS investigative drug
cyst- bladder or sac
cyst adenoma *s/l* cystadenoma *one word*
cystic fibrosis cystic fibrosis
cystitis inflammation of the urinary bladder
cystocele also rectocele, enterocele
cystocele pouching of the bladder into the vagina
cystoscopy examination of the bladder using a rigid or flexible cystoscope
cystourethrogram the act of voiding with contrast medium in the urine - performed while in the standing position
cystourethrogram,voiding *urinating* *VCU or VCUG* x-ray of the bladder and urethra taken during urination
cysts, daughter daughter is correct *cyst growing from another cyst*
cyt cell
cytokine nonantibody proteins to generate immune response
cytology study of cells
Cytomel drug
Cytoxin chemotherapy  

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