My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
L left *L circled*
L liter
L.C.D. liquor carbonis detergens
L1,2; L2,3; L5,S1 dictated typed L1-2, L2-3, L5-S1
labia folds of tissue on either side of the vaginal opening known as the labia majora and labia minora
labia minus *s/l* labium minus
labile hypertension fluctuating high blood pressure
labinema LAB-EN-EMA *s/l* lipedema = an accumulation of excess fat and fluid in subcutaneous tissues OR lymphedema - chronic unilateral or bilateral edema of the accumulation of interstitial fluid as a result of stasis of secondary to obstruction of lymph vessels or disorders of the lymph nodes
labium minus  
labral tear  
labtyrinthitis inflammation of the labyrinth
labyrinth maze; inner ear consisting of bony and membranous labyrinths
Lachman test check for knee injury
lacrim- tear
lacrimal ducts tubes that carry tears to the lacrimal sac
lacrimal gland gland located in the upper outer region above the eyeball that secretes tears
lacrimal sac structures that collect tears before emptying into masolacrimal duct
lacrimation secretion of tears
lact- milk
lactiferous ducts carry milk within the breast
lacto- milk
Lactobacillus any one of a group of nonpathogenic gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria that produce lactic acid from carbohydrates
lactogenic hormone *prolactin* stimulates breast development and milk production during pregnancy
LAD lymphadenopathy
LAD left anterior descending
LAD lesion  
lady’s slippler root herbal medicine
Laennec name for which a chronic disorder of the liver characterized by inflammation of secretory cells followed by nodular regeneration and fibrosis was named
LAM Lymphangioleiomyomatosis *LAM* - rare lung disease that affects only women; abnormal muscle cells invade the lung and airways, as well as blood and lymph vessels, causing them to become obstructed.[LAM Foundation]
lamb's quarters allergen
lamina platelike structure
laminae, vertebral flattened posterior portion of the vertebral arch
laminectomy excision of one or more laminae of the vertebrae to approach the spinal cord
LAN lymphadenopathy
Lanoxicap drug
Lanoxin drug
lapar abdomen
laparoscopic cholecystectomy excision of the gallbladder through a laparoscope
laparoscopic surgery abdominal surgery using a laparoscope
laparoscopy examination of the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope-often including interventional surgery procedures
laparotomy incision into the abdomen
large intestine larger tubular structure that receives the liquid waste products of digestion; reabsorbs water and minerals, and forms and stores feces for defecation
large loop excision of the transformation zone *LLETZ* use of electrosurgical or radio waves transformed through a loop-configured electrosurgical device to treat precancerous lesions by simultaneous excisional biopsy and treatment of affected tissue
laryng- larynx *voice box*
laryngeal laryngeal
laryngeal-tracheal bronchitis not laryngotracheal bronchitis
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngopharynx lower part of the pharynx just below the oropharynx opening into the larynx and esophagus
laryngoscopy laryngoscopy
laryngospasm spasm of laryngeal muscles causing constriction
laryngotracheal larynx and trachea
laryngotracheobronchitis laryngotracheobronchitis
laryngotracheobronchitis *LTB* inflammation of the upper airways and swelling that creates a funnel-shaped elongation of the tissue causing a distinct "seal bark" cough - also called croup
larynx voice box
larynx voice box; passageway for air moving from pharynx to trachea; contains vocal cords
Laseque's test ortho test
laser-assisted uvuloplasty LAUP surgery using a laser in various dermatological prcedures to remove lesions, scars, tattoos, etc
Lasix drug
lat side
LAT wound care *4% lidocaine, 0.1% epinephrine *adrenalin*, 0.5% tetracaine*
lateral toward the side
lateral decubitus position to lie down; on the side
lateral rectus ressection a portion of the eye muscle is excised and the severed end is reattached at the original point
lateral view  
latissimus dorsi muscle rotates the humerus and moves the arm
LAUP laser-assisted uvuloplasty
lavage to wash
lavender flower herbal medicine
lb or # pound
LDA left descending coronary artery
LDH LDH: lactic dehydrogenase
LDL Low Density Lipoproteins
lecithin herbal medicine
lecrinon bursa *s/l* olecranon bursa
LEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedure - use of electrosurgical or radio waves transformed through a loop-configured electrosurgical device to treat precancerous lesions by simultaneous excisional biopsy and treatment of affected tissue
LeFort classification classification system for maxillary fracture
left heart catheterization x-ray of the left ventricular cavity and coronary arteries
left shift  
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease avascular necrosis
lei- smooth
Leiden factor found during lab test; if patient has *Leiden* factor they have increased chance of developing thrombosis
leiomyoma smooth muscle tumor
leiomyosarcoma malignant smooth muscle tumor
lemon balm herbal medicine
lens transparent structure behind the pupil that bends and focuses light rays on the retina
lens capsule capsule that encloses the lens
lenses not lens'
Lentinan-Ajinomoto *lentinan*  
lepsy seizure
lesion an area of pathologically altered tissue
LET wound care *4% lidocaine, 0.5% epinephrine, 0.5% tetracaine*
Leucomax *molgramostim*  
leucovorin folinic acid; active form of B complex vitamin, folate; used as an antidote to drugs that decrease levels of folic acid such as with chemotherapy
leucovorin calcium  
leuk white *blood cells*
Leukine *sargramostim*  
leukocyte esterase sounds like estrace
leukopenia abnormal reduction of white blood cells
leukoplakia, oral white patches on oral mucosa
leukorrhea abnormal white or yellow vaginal discharge
levalbuterol HCI *Xopenex* drug for bronchospasm
Levbid drug for diarrhea/cramps
Levine sign a classic sign of angina pectoris, when a patient clenches the fist and places it over the sternum to describe the sense of constriction felt in the chest
levonogestrel Brand=Plan B *to prevent pregnancy*
LFTs liver function tests
LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormon
license of adhesions *s/l* Lysis of adhesions
lichen simplex chronicus a form of dermatitis characterized by a patch of pruritic confluent papules
lichenification thickening, coarsening, and pigment change of the skin
licorice root herbal medicine
lidocaine patch 5% *Lidoderm* drug for pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia*
Lidoderm *lidocaine patch 5%* drug for pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia*
ligament a flexible band of fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
ligament laxity  
ligamentous ligamentously *ex: he is ligamentously stable*
ligamentum flavum connects each vertebra to the next
light touch sensation  
lightheadedness one word
limbus near the cornea
linear opacities  
lingu- tongue
lingu *lingua* tongue
lingual airway dysfunction  
Linomide *roquinimex*  
lip fat
LIP Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia *LIP* - a low grade malignant lymphoma of the lung
lipids fats
lipoid resembling fat
liposuction fat, plastic surgery procedure
lips fleshy structures surrounding the mouth
LIS lung injury score
lispro insulin
listhesis slipping
liter L
liters abbreviate L
lith- stone
lithiasis formation or presence of stones
lithotomy position  
lithotripsy crushing of stone
lithotrite stone crusher
liver organ in the upper right quandrant that peoduces bile, which is secreted into the duodenum during digestion
liver tonic tea herbal medicine
lixis *s/l* lysis
LKS could be liver, kidney, spleen
LLETZ large loop excision of the transformation zone *LLETZ*
Lloyd's sign symptom of renal calculus consisting of pain in the loin on deep percussion over the kidney
LLQ left lower quandrant
lob- lobe *a portion*
lobe a portion
lobe, frontal anterior section of each cerebral hemisphere responsible for voluntary muscle movement and personality
lobe, occipital portion of the central nervous system posterior to the parietal and temporal lobes, responsible for vision
lobe, parietal portion of the central nervous system posterior to the frontal lobe, responsible for sensations such as pain, temperature, touch
lobe, temporal portion of the central nervous system that lies below the frontal lobe, reponsible for hearing, taste, smell
lobectomy removal of a lobe of a lung
lobelia herbal medicine
lobes subdivisions of the lung, two on the left and three on the right
local rigidity *s/l* nuchal rigidity
locat place
lochia rubra  
lofarin *s/l* warfarin
loin lower back
long track sign OK - refers to pyramidal tract
longated *s/l* elongated
loop colostomy temporary diversion of the colon
loop electrosurgical excision procedure *LEEP* use of electrosurgical or radio waves transformed through a loop-configured electrosurgical device to treat precancerous lesions by simultaneous excisional biopsy and treatment of affected tissue
lord- bent
lordosis abnormal anterior curvature
lordosis abnormal inward curvature of the spine
lorfarin *s/l* Warfarin
loss of circulation in the limbs loss of circulation in the limbs
Lou Gehrig disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
low forceps  
low transverse cervical cesarean section  
lower GI series x-ray of the colon after administration of an enema containing a contrast medium
lower lobe  
LP lumbar puncture
LP lyphomatous polyposis
LS spine lumbar spine
lumb- loin *lower back*
lumbar puncture *LP* test/procedure for nervous system
lumbar region middle lateral regions
lumbarization condition in which the first segment of the sacrum is not fused with the second and produces an additional articulated vertebra
lumpectomy excision of a breast tumor without removing any other tissue or lymph nodes
lun moon
lung Lung - one of a a pair of breathing organs located within the chest which remove carbon dioxide from and bring oxygen to the blood.
lung biopsy removal of a small piece of lung tissue for patholigical examination
lung fields  
lung scan nuclear scan of the lung to detect abnormalities of perfusion *blood flow* or ventilation *respiration* commonly called V/Q *ventilation/perfusion* scan
Lung Transplant *TX or XP* Lung Transplant *TX or XP* - surgery to replace one or both diseased lungs with healthy ones from a human donor. [Lung Transplantation]
lung volume reduction surgery *LVRS* Lung Volume Reduction Surgery *LVRS* - Reduction Pneumoplasty is performed on patients with emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease *COPD*. Varied surgical procedures allow the compressed lung to expand, thus establishing improved respiratory function. LVRS is also referred to as lung shaving, lung contouring, thoracoscopic bullectomy or simply lung reduction. [Pre/Post chest x-rays]
lungs two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage; responsible for respiration
lungs are well expanded and clear  
lunula white, moon-shaped cresent on the actively gowing fingernail or toenail
lupus a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of various parts of the body *lupus=wolf*
Lupus spelled lupus *small L*
lupus, cutaneous limited to the skin; evidenced by a rash especially on the face, neck & scalp
lupus, systemic erythematosus *SLE* more severe form of lupus involving the skin, joints and often vital organs *lungs, kidneys*
LUQ left upper quandrant
luteinizing hormone causes ovulation; stimulates secretion of progesterone by corpus luteum; causes secretion of testosterone in testes
luteum, corpus part of the follicle that remains behind in the ovary after the ovum ruptures
luviitis *s/l* uveitis
LVRS Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
Lycopenes re: plays part in health of prostate
Lyme antigen  
Lyme disease arthritic disease from tick bite
lymphadenopathy any disorder characterized by a localized or generalized enlargement of the lymph nodes or lymph vessels
lymphadenopathy *see LAP, LAD,LAN* abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis *LAM* Lymphangioleiomyomatosis *LAM* - rare lung disease that affects only women; abnormal muscle cells invade the lung and airways, as well as blood and lymph vessels, causing them to become obstructed.[LAM Foundation]
lymphasure and blue injection *s/l* Lymphazurin dye *isosulfan blue*
Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia *LIP* Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia *LIP* - a low grade malignant lymphoma of the lung
lymphoid hyperplasia  
lysis of adhesions  

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