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Learning from the past, but not living in it.    Gordon, West Virginia 
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        Welcome to one of Boone County's finest communities. Y&O is so close to Gordon that they should be one community. Y&O is basically the same little place like Gordon is. It was formed by coal camps, that has been turned into a community of people who know people and their backgrounds. People like this is what makes places so great to move too. Which some has move away because communities doesn't offer what they are looking for in life. In the community now, it has it own Hair Saloon and church. Before entering Y&O from Van there is a community center that is open for use of any resident to Van and surrounding areas. The Boone County Ambulance Authority has a Station right behind it, allowing quick response to local area.

        This site will give you the 411 on everything that is happening in Gordon and Y&O surrounding areas. There are several old picture been added to the albums arranging from people, scenery, houses (coal camps), to the old coal mines. These allow people view the history of Y&O and to let the old memories not fade away. There are also photos of the recent area so people can see the changes of their home place. The Guest Book allows people to tell there own thoughts and experiences of Gordon, and lets old friends get in contact with each other. So Please Sign our Guest Book. If you have taken time to read this, you might as well browse around. Thank You for visiting Us.






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