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Cherokee Creek Herbal Therapy

Cherokee Creek offers:

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.

These pages prove beyond a doubt that Angelfire is a generous, helpful friend and that Grandma can learn new tricks! Nature's sources are more highly respected every day. Sometimes it's difficult for me to discern specifically between natural and unnatural. I know I enjoy learning about herbal sources and making therapies which make my life better. I hope you find products which I make and information which I am gathering useful and appealing. Addresses are located within; if you solve the puzzle of finding them, contact us!

Please come back and visit again!

Click here to visit Wyoming Honey Creme & Deluxe Cowboy Toe Jam

Click here to visit Granny's Page

Click here to visit Cherokee Creek Hand Cast Soaps

Click here to visit Bar JD Handcarved Wooden Crochet Hooks

Click here to visit the Cranberry-Pineapple Jelly Recipe.

Note: The information given on this website is solely the opinion of JudyAnn Lorenz, certified herbalist thru personal, hands on experience. Clinical studies and double blind tests have not been done and are therefore not endorsed by FDA. We do not diagnose diseases and do not give out any medical advice on the Internet. Information and products provided on this webside are for entertainment, educational and experimental purposes only.

Along The Banks of Cherokee Creek

Earthy Contact
Herbal Supplies
SEE Extinct Passenger Pigeon
Clicking for Cattle & Agriculture
Roses and more
