The Meaning of Christmas

The presents have been opened, The feast eaten. As I look out at the world, outside my window. Thoughts flood in. I reflect upon this season, of presents, The consumer frenzy. Images of Santa Claus beckoning the children.

We think about what we are getting. Thinking only of ourselves. My thoughts return to a day Long ago. To a young woman, An Angel appears announcing The birth of the SAVIOR To happen soon.

GOD's love shown through. HE put a part of himself into this blessed womb. Dust HE became, to save those who can't Save themselves The WORD, The ONE who Created. Creation he became.

This is the best gift of all. GOD's Love, HE so desired That none should perish HE sent down that part of HIMSELF As a tiny baby To grow To be a Man A man that bleeds.

A man, so Fragile The only one who could be the chosen LAMB To sacrifice himself For those so dear

So Next Time You Think About what you may recieve This Christmas. Think about this gift. The best gift of all God's Love, so strong. Giving up, So we could be saved. Sacrificing himself, So we can Live

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