Humble's Testimony

Think about it?

It is difficult to know where to start, but I would like to share how I came to JESUS, twice you could say. I was saved when I was around seven. It was at a church day camp. things went well for awhile. I learned about JESUS, as much as a child can.

When I was fourteen, my stepfather, started molesting me. This resulted from him looking at Playboy's, moving to more, I guess what you call, 'hard core magazines'. Until he started watching pornography. he did this until I was about ready to turn sixteen I tried to tell my mother but she would not believe me. Finally she caught him.

I was hurt and believed GOD couldn't love me. To find control over my circumstances I started to look for something that would give me control. I went to the public library and checked out some books on witchcraft, thus starting my very short but traumatic journey. I thought everything would be fine until I started to have strange things happen to me. I won't go into what happened, I'll just say that there are very real demons out there. mark my words. I was so scared at this point. I turned to the only person I knew who could help me

My Dad who served JESUS CHRIST. He told me how to get rid of the spirits, Which I did right away. I never dabbled in witchcraft again after that. If you are into Satanism and witchcraft you are not in control, you are a puppet.

After this, I remained depressed and angry. I was in a blackhole and didn't know how to get out of it. I remember having thoughts of taking my own life. I never tried. I would cut my arms and pull my hair out when I hurt too much.

I remained this way until I met my future husband Rick. We met on a blind date believe it or not. He says it was love at first sight, admittedly it took me longer, but I did soon love him. We had a whirlwind romance. Married six months after we met, after we lived together five months.

When we decided to get married we went for pre-marriage counseling. During one of these meetings the subject went to salvation. I recommitted my life to JESUS. Rick got saved.

I have been serving JESUS now for over eight years. I am healed of my depression, anger and unforgiveness, but it was a long, long process. I am now healed. GOD is good. HE can do anything if you just let HIM.

tut's testimony

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