Merrick Nelson

Nelson & Savage

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Merrick Nelson

Tools Made: Carpenter tools, sliding T-bevels, squares.

Working Dates: C1840-47+.   


     Born about 1815 in Mass. Listed in the 1840 census as living in Mass. In the 1850 and 1860 census as a rule maker, living in Middletown. In 1870 living in New York working as a baker. The 1880 census lists a Merrick Nelson living in Brooklyn, New York and widowed. He was then working as a salesman.   Listed in Ref. 82 as manufacturing joiners' tools. 1849.

     He was married in 1837 to Ellen Crosby at Cambridge, Mass. Sometime after 1840 he and his wife were in Middletown.

     Also, the information in Ref. 14 has him as a member of the First Universalist Church. Among the members was William Stroud. Nelson & Hubbard was located in one of his buildings on Mill Street. Map L. Other rule makers from this church are Asa Richardson and Benjamin Carter.


     In 1842 he was partnered with Seth savage. On 22 April 1843 Carter & Company was formed. A co-partnership between Benjamin Carter, Merrick Nelson and Seth Savage. Their shop was on Williams Street. They bought the stock and tools of Asa Richardson & Co. This company dissolved in 1847.



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        Sliding T-Bevel                                            Mark " M. NELSON"         

     The M. Nelson tool has the same brass device as the Nelson & Hubbard. The maker mark is on the opposite side.    


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A good view of the brass device used on both Nelson and Nelson & Hubbard and Arnold sliding T-bevels.

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Sliding T-bevel and try square.


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Type 2 try square using three rivets to hold the blade.

See Nelson & Hubbard  & Arnold   

References:  3, 14, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 82.   Back Home

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