Nelson & Hubbard

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Try squares, sliding T-bevels, gauges and rules (wood and ivory).

Working Dates: 1850-55[illegible]+. 

     All the sliding T-bevels I have are marked with the maker name and location on one side and have a brass symbol on the other. The try squares are marked the same as the sliding T-bevels, however they don't have the brass device.

     The co-partnership was started in 1850. Constitution 1 May 1850, page 3.

     An 1851 map shows the factory located on Mill Street next to William Stroud's foundry. Pameachea creek flows by the factories. Mill Street is off South Main Street. Map L.


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Mark on a try and bevel squares "NELSON & HUBBARD / MIDDLETOWN CT "

     The Nelson & Hubbard tool has the same brass device as the M. Nelson and Arnold. The maker mark is on the opposite side.    


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Nelson  & Hubbard try square


Nelson & Hubbard marking guage.

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     Here is an original price list for this company. It lists all their products. On the inside is a letter to one of the businesses that retails their tools. It has four pages.


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  Below is the copy of the letter.


                                                                                                                                                                    Middletown Sep 18   50[illegible]

                                    M[illegible] Bray, Carhart,


Enclosed please find our price list of sqrs rules. We gave you I think a list of prices for our squares from which we have heretofore sold. But on framing this new list - we have raised the price a trifle on some of the sizes. It is now nearly as high as lists of the kind (square) will average. Yet we are willing to sell to you from the old list - at 35% on rosewood & 45% on mahogany. These are the best terms we offer to any. Sliding T-bevils at the same discount. Rules we will sell you at 55%. When here you inquired if our list was as high as Walker of New York. By examination you will find it is not quite as high.

                                                                                                                                                                M Respy,

Nelson & Hubbard


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Bray & Carhart (Bray, Carhart & Co.) were hardware dealers in Macon, GA. The partnership was formed in 1850. A Co-partnership between William H. Bray, Whit D. Carhart and W. J. McElory. Dissolved in 1857. From the Macon Weekly Telegraph, March 4, 1857. Page 4.

See M. Nelson. & Arnold


References:  3, 7, 14, 20, 60.    Back Home

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