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Caution!  Other "Robert Lavelles"

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The Stop Robert Lavelle Page would like to issue the following caution.

The spammer Robert Lavelle has made a lot of people very angry.  Some of them have tried to find him on the Net, and sent angry emails to people with that name or a similar one.  As a result, innocent people have been harrassed, victims of mistaken identity!

The Stop Robert Lavelle Page cautions all its visitors not to send angry emails to everyone with that name.  It obviously does no good to punish the innocent for this guy's actions.  He's caused enough grief already for those of us unlucky enough to be on his list; let's not cause suffering for other netizens!  We need a more efficient way to stop the spam (perhaps a lawsuit).

The following people are NOT the spammer Robert Lavelle:

So please, please do not bother these people. They have already suffered because of the spammer.

Also, someone has informed me by email [thank you :-)] that the web site no longer belongs to Robert Lavelle the spammer, but to a kid named Steiven Kalengkian.  So please don't email him either :-).

This page may be updated periodically if I learn of more innocent Robert Lavelles.  Thanks for your time!

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