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welcome! to the unforgiven

Hi and welcome to my warhammer 40k page. This is the first website I ever made and I'm just learning how to use html. So if you have any suggestions on improvnig this site please sign my guestbook. Now, what's gonna be on the site? Well, it's mainly a Dark Angel site because that's my favorite chapter. There are also some sisters of battle because I collect them too. And maybe I'll add some chaos in the future cuz I think they're just so cool.


The Dark angels were the very first space marine chapter, formed over 10.000 years ago. However, they where not amongst the most glorified. For the dark angel chapter harbors a terrible secret of which even most of the troops don't know the fine details of. Only those that belong to the inner circle that is the deathwing know what realy happened those thousands of years ago when the great crusades took place; They know that during the great crusades, the Dark Angel chapter was split in two. One half went to liberate earth under the command of Lion El'Jonson while the other half stayed behind on Caliban, the Dark Angel home world, under the command of Luthor, Jonsons second in command. Now Luthor had always been jealous of Jonson and desperately wanted cypher-fallen angel to be the chapter commander and therefor was sensitive to the influence of the dark gods of chaos. Eventually Caliban fell for and when Lion El'Jonson returned, he found his homeworld overrun by chaos. He commanded an assault on Caliban, next there was one of the grimmest battles the imperium had ever seen: two equal forces fighting for their planet. Eventually the planets crust began to buckle under the stress of Jonsons bombardments and broke into peaces while the chaos infected Dark angels where thrown onto the warp and scattered over the entire universe, they are now known as the fallen. Unfortunately Lion El'Jonson fell in the battle for his lost planet, at least that's what everybody believes. For thousands of years now the Dark angels have a secret agenda: to pursuit the fallen angels and make them repent. They do that with their new home:the ROCK, the largest left over part of Caliban, converted into a giant space ship, larger than the largest gargantuan hulk.

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