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A spiritu dominatus, Domine,libra nos, From the lightning and the tempest, Our Emperor, deliver us. From plague, deciet, temptation and war, Our emperor deliver us, From the scourge of the Kraken, Our emperor deliver us. From the blasphemy of the fallen, Our emperor deliver us, From the begetting of deamons, Our emperor deliver us, From the curse of mutant, Our emperor deliver us, A morte perptua, Domine, libra nos. That thou wouldst bring them only death, That thou should spare no one, That thou should pardon no one, We beseech thee, destroy them.

one of the most fanaticalnwariorsof the Ecclesiarchy are the Adapta Seroritas. they constantly guard humanity against the vile hordes of chaos, the insidious threat of heretics and the assaults of heathen aliens. with their elite training , superb wargear and unshakeable faith in the Emperor, the Sisters of battle have crushed the foes of mankind in countless battles across evry part of the galaxy