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BD's BMX/Freestyle Zone


Flatland Tricks

Street/Ramp Tricks

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Here are the Flatland tricks. They are listed in alphabetical order. Email me with any other tricks you want to see on this page.

BACKWARDS STEAMROLLER Begin with your handlebars turned around. Put yourself at the front of the bike, facing the seat. Hold the seat with one hand. One foot should be on a front peg, the other is used to push off. Use that leg to get yourself rolling. Steer with the handlebars and lift the back wheel off of the ground by pulling up on the seat. Then just roll around!

BACKWARDS TIME MACHINE Roll forward with medium speed, and have both of your feet on the back pegs. Do an endo, then when the back tire sets down, tap the back brake and pull up the front of the bike so that you can do a backwards manual from the pegs. Jump around the front of the bike so that your right foot is on the back left peg, and your left foot is just in the air. Grab the front left peg with your left hand, and pull the bike into a vertical position. Then jump back around so your left foot is again on the left back peg.

BACKYARD Begin by facing backward on your bike. Apply the back brake, and lift up the front of the bike. With either foot on the back peg, push off and use the other foot to scuff the tire. Take one hand off of the handlebars to help balance.

BOOMERANG Roll slowly forward, and put your right foot on your left back peg. Swing your left foot forward, jump off the back peg, apply the front brake, and spin around the head tube on the handlebars. Just before you are halfway around, let go of the brake. Just after you are halfway around, put it on again. Land and ride away.

CABOOSE Put your right foot on the back left peg, or vice versa. Pull up on the handlebars to lift the front of the bike off of the ground. Scuff the back tire, using the back brake for help. That's a caboose.

CHERRY PICKERS Roll forward slowly. Put both of your feet on the back pegs. Do a small endo, and when your back tire hits the ground again, take your right foot and jam it in the space on the left side of the bike where the tire and the seatpost meet. The object is to get the bike straight up and down, balancing on the back wheel. Take your left foot and put it over the head tube and onto the seatpost. Grab the right side of the fork with your left hand an start hopping up and down as if you were doing a pogo. Pull up on the bike so that it will stay under your feet when you jump up. To ride out, just set the front tire down and pedal away.

DECADE Start with your left foot on the left back peg and your right foot on the top tube. Do a tiny endo, then apply your back brake. Throw your weight onto the back wheel and bring the front wheel high in the air. Jump around the head tube, then land back on the pedals.

DUMP TRUCK Start by rolling slowly, with your handlebars turned around and your feet on the back pegs. Pull up on the handlebars so that only your back wheel is on the ground. Grab the right side of the fork with your right hand (make sure the wheel has stopped spinning!). Now take your left hand off of the handlebars, and they should turn 90 degrees. Take your right leg and scuff the back tire with it. To ride out, just set the bike down and return to a normal riding position.

ELBOW GLIDE Roll forward at medium speed with your left foot on the left front peg and your right foot on the left back peg. Turn slightly to the left, shove your weight forward, then pull the front tire underneath your body and lift the back tire off the ground. Push the frame around to the right like you would do in a tailwhip. When the frame comes around, hook your left elbow over the seat. Roll like this as long as you can, and keep your right foot in the air for balance. When you are done, remove your arm from the seat, spin the frame back the way it came, set it down and ride out.

ELEPHANT GLIDE Begin by doing something like a bar-hop, so you are sitting on the front of the handlebars. Grab the seat with your right hand, and use the front brake to get the rear wheel off of the ground. Use the hand on the seat to pull the back of the bike around to the right side of your body, and scuff the front tire. When done, move the back of the bike around behind you, get back on the seat, and ride out.

FLINKY-SUNDER Roll forward slowly, and put both feet on the front pegs. Pull the front brake hard so the back of the bike goes up. At the same time as that, take your feet off the pegs and spin the back of the bike around 180 degrees. While the frame is spinning around to the front, jump over and sit on the handlebars. Catch the bike with your feet, land, and ride off.

FIREHYDRANT Start rolling, and have your right foot on the back left peg and your left foot on the front left peg. Lightly squeeze the front brake for a second and turn the handlebars around, swinging your body to the front of the bike, facing the seat. Squeeze the front brake for a second again, and use your weight to lift up the back of the bike and swing it around.

FOOT PLANT Ride up to a bench or wall, and bunnyhop towards it. When you reach it, take a foot off the pedal and slam it onto the bench or wall, pushing yourself up and away from the object so that you can land.

FREAK SQUEAK Roll forward slowly with both feet on the pedals. Swing your right leg over the handlebars and put it against the front tire. Put your weight on your hands and move your left foot to the left front peg. When it gets there, use your right foot to jam the front tire to a stop and bring the back of the bike off of the ground. Use a hand for balance (it’s coolest if you use both) in the air and scuff your tire with your right foot. The weight of the bike should be pressing against your left leg. To ride out, get your hands back on the handlebars, let the back tire fall to the ground, return your left foot to its pedal, then the same with the right foot, and ride away.

FRONT POGO The same as a regular pogo, except you will bounce on your front pegs. Put one foot on a peg to start out, then hit the front brake. When the back comes up, put your other foot on the other front peg and bounce.

FRONTYARD Put your right foot over the handlebars, then do a small endo, bringing your left foot onto the front left peg. Scuff the front tire with your right foot, balancing on just the front wheel. A hand can be off the bars to use for balance.

FUNKY CHICKEN The same as a front yard, only the bike is in front of you, and you hold it by the seat with one of your hands.

HANG FIVE Roll forward and have your left foot on the left front peg. Throw your weight forward on to the peg, and use your right leg for balance. The seat should come up to your butt. Put your arms straight out in front of you and your head up. That's a hang five.

INFINITY ROLL Put one foot on a back peg (on the same side as the foot). Use the other foot to scuff the tire backwards in a circle. (Scuffing is pushing on a tire with your foot and making it roll in either direction). Go as long as you can. I find it easier to have my foot on my peg on the outside of the circle-that way the tire won't hit your leg.

LARDYARD Do a backyard, only hold the handlebars with one hand, and use the other hand to hold the bike on an angle to the ground. You will be traveling in circles.

LAWN MOWER Roll forward slowly and stand with both feet on the back pegs. Do a small endo, and when the back wheel hits the ground, put your right foot on the back tire and push the bike out to the right while you pull your body to the left. Balance on the front tire now. Twist the handlebars 180 degrees with your right hand-clockwise. In this balancing position, push the bike out away from you, and keep the back tire low to the ground. When you bring the bike back towards you, twist the handlebars back to a normal position and ride out.

NOURIE STAND Ride forward slowly with your left foot on the left front peg and your right foot on the left pedal. Apply the front brake gently and twist the handlebars 90 degrees. Use your right hand to hold the seat and the grip on the bars at the same time. Use your right foot for balance by sticking it in the air now. Note: you are just balancing now, not riding. At this point, put both feet on top of the front tire, on either side of the fork. Trap the left grip between your legs. Now sit on the handlebars and grab the seat and right grip with your left hand. With your feet still on the tire, lean your hips as far over the handlebars as possible. Stick the end of the left grip into your gut. Grab the front tire with your right hand and take your feet off of it. All of your weight will be on your stomach. Now put your feet over your head, as high as they will go. Cool, eh?

OXFORD SPHERE Start off by doing a wheelie. Hold the wheelie position, and do a double barspin. After that, bunnyhop onto the front tire and do a tailwhip. Sound like fun?

POGO Put both of your feet on the back pegs, and ride forward slowly. Take either foot and jam it in the fork to stop the bike, then push down hard on the wheel to get rolling backwards. When your foot is back on the peg, hit the back brake and pull up on the handlebars hard. The bike should be in a vertical position. From there, keep the back brake on and use the bike as if it were a pogo stick-jump up and down, pulling the bike along with you. To ride out, release the brake and set the front down.

PINKY SQUEAKS Begin with your right foot on the left pedal and your left foot on the left front peg. Roll slowly and do a small endo, kicking the frame counter-clockwise with your right foot. Use that foot then to move the front tire backwards while you are jumping over the frame.

RIDING BACKWARDS Roll forward at medium speed. Take your right foot and put it facing backwards on the left pedal. Then put your left foot on the right pedal backwards. Lean your body against the handlebars and switch hands when you are comfortable. You should be facing towards the back of your bike, with your left hand on the right grip and your right hand on the left grip. Don't rest your weight on the handlebars when you ride backwards-it just makes balancing and steering more difficult. To ride out, switch your hands first, then your feet back to their original position.

ROCKWALK Ride in a circular direction, then pull your front brake and swing the back of the bike around 180 degrees. When you land, pull up the front tire and do another 180 degree turn on the back wheel.

SQUEAKER Place your left foot on the left front peg. Do a small endo, and use your right foot to scuff the front tire backwards. Use your brake to stay balanced.

STANDER Get speed and stand with both feet on the standing platform, if your bike has one. Hold the seat by squeezing it between your legs. Stand up all the way as you are riding along, and use your arms to balance.

TAILWHIP Riding along, take your right foot and move it over the top tube to the left side of your bike. Stick your foot into the area where the front tire meets the fork. In an endo-like position, swing the back of the bike around, moving your left foot off of the pedal. When the bike has done a 360 degree rotation, put your left foot on the top tube, return your right foot to the pedal, then put your left foot back on its pedal, and ride out.

TRACK STAND Roll forward slowly with your right foot on the left pedal and your left foot just out to the side in the air. Use your front brakes to stop the bike, and turn the handlebars 90 degrees to the right. Use your right hand to grab the end of the right grip and the seat. Make sure your palm is facing up. As you turn the handlebars, put your left foot on the left front peg. Then put all of your weight on your left foot, and stick your right foot out in the air for balance. Ride out by straightening the handlebars and getting your feet back to the pedals.

UNDERTAKER Roll forward slowly with both feet on the back pegs. Apply both brakes and do a small endo. When the wheel hits the ground, pull the front of the bike up so that the whole thing is vertical. Take your right foot off of the peg and jump around so that it is where your left foot was. It should also be in the opposite direction the left foot was (facing backwards). Just keep your left foot in the air for now, and the bike should still be vertical. Put your left hand on the front tire. You should be facing the back of the bike. Use your left hand to push the tire under your right arm. Also put your left foot on the right peg at this point, and take your right foot off of the left peg. Put your left hand back on the handlebars, untwist them, set the bike down and pedal away.

WHIPLASH While riding, put your left foot on the left front peg, and put your right foot on the left pedal. Throw your weight forward and swing the back of the bike around. Then put your right foot on the right front peg. Use your left foot to catch the bike, put it on the top of the tube, and get your feet back to the pedals.