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Rules to join
The Copyright Spot is only for sites with origanal contents. If you do join you will have to fallow these simple rules, 1. Have a banner linking to this site, or a link, to this site all the time and in a place where viewers will know you support the Copyright. 2. You will have to be able to make your own site. not copy any others site. You can have someone make it for you, but it must not be copied. 3. Tell people about this site. let the word out that there is a site that wants to help you keep your sites safe.

If you do not fallow the first 2 rules, your site will be deleted from this list. Alos, take note, thist is only for websites. I can not keep track if you are added to the site and you do not have a banner. I will check every week if you are linked to this site, by using "Link Excange" powered by "Altravisa" and it will tell me all the sites linking to this one.

Send your name, email, website titel and address to:

The Copyright Spot. Or just fill out the form below.

please fill out this form and hit the send button
Your full name: (e.g: Brian Thomas Littrell)
Your email address: (e.g.:

Your sites URL:

Sites name:
Have you added the banner to your site:
Do you agree with the rules:
If you answered "no" to the question above, plesase state your reason why:

only click once. if it doesn't work, press the back button on your browser and then email it to me at

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legal stuff
All this is © 1999. Why would you want to copy me if you are joining the list? Just a thought. This site is made for backstreet boys fans and webmasters of backstreet boy fan sites. all ideas are copyright.