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t h e copright s p o t

Are you sick of people coping your site? Do you want to tell them to bug off, and not copy your site? Well if you take this banner here and put it on your site you may just get that wish done. On this site you can become a member and you will be sent html things to keep people from taking things off your site. Here is the banner, email me and I will add you to the members.


waz up?
Hey I want to thank you all for joining. It's been great having so much responce to this. I've just been so busy I haven't had time to add people to the list. Well don't worry, I'll be adding people. But I have a little problem. See, when I was slacking, I was also slacking on checking email, so it got full and the company deleted it all. I lost LOTS of names and links, so if you tried to join and you dont see your name up, send it in again and I will try to get it up!!
Take Care,


The Copyright Spot
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legal stuff
All this is © 1999. Why would you want to copy me if you are joining the list? Just a thought. This site is made for backstreet boys fans and webmasters of backstreet boy fan sites. all ideas are copyright.