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If my current status says "ONLINE" then feel free to contact me (the webmaster) for a little chat !
About me ...

my sister Antje (left) and me (right)

... the webmaster !!!
I´m not sure if anyone will ever visit this page and may be interested in me ... the sweet little girl who spent days and nights to make this page ... but I thought the page should have some info about me anyway !
So I am Anika and I´m 18 years old and I do live on the outskirts of Berlin! When not going to school (and trying to pass my A-Levels in English and Art) I really enjoy editing this website , hanging around with my sister, cooking (and EATING!!!) , watching musicals or just emailing people and chat with them !!! I also love to travel to London or England in general as this seems to be the nicest country in the world and you can meet many lovely people there ! I really enjoy shopping there although this is awfully expensive , but never mind !

Well , I have made this page in September 1999 to show all people on the net how lovely James is and as he is such a great actor and singer he really deserves a nice page , and I really hope he likes this one ... it looked different when I made the page last year , I just improved it a bit and changed the layout , so I hope everyone likes it ! And I love entries in my guestbook ... so everyone go there and sign it !!!
Well , some more things about me you'd like to know ?!?!? I´m an absolute musical theatre freak and my favourite show is TOMMY ... I´m absolutely mad about any TOMMY merchandise esp. T-Shirts ... don't ask me why but I really love collecting them !!! But that´s not the only thing I'm collecting - there are tons of other things ... I'm mad I know !!!
Okay I better shut up now and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask ... I also like filling up questionnaires ...

So everyone who visited my page , THANKS FOR COMING and keep checking my page as I try to update it very often ! TAKE CARE !!!

~*~ ANIKA ~*~