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More reviews added as well as a few new links and I deleted all dead links as some great pages closed lately :-( !!!


Doing a netsearch last Sunday I found some more reviews about FAME and ANTONY & CLEOPATRA as well as TOMMY ... and that sweet little interview with James regarding playing a woman !!! You should read that , it´s lovely ! You can find all new reviews in the REVIEWS section (obviously) and I´ve also added the link to the PLANET INTERNET website where you can watch James' commercial ! All these link are in the updated REVIEWS section , so don´t miss that !!!


As you´ve maybe noticed , I´ve canged the quote on the main page , I´m going to do that from time to time , so keep visiting my site for intersting quotes and news !
I´ve also added a new Bravenet service to the page today ... it´s called HUMAN CLICK and whenever you visit my site and see that I´m online (see menue bar on main page) you can click on the icon and we can chat !!! Great invention , isn´t it ?!
So feel free to contact me ... I´d love to chat ... talk to you soon !


Here it is , this is my new James page ! For all the people who knew my old James page they will notice the changes , but all new visitors , this new page looks much better so you have not missed anything !

The page was completely "re-decorated" and got a new layout , I hope you like that black-purple style!

Maybe you have noticed that this now is THE OFFICIAL JAMES GILLAN APPRECIATION WEBSITE ! I changed the name because James asked me to , but I´m not sure yet if that name will stay or it may change again ! Let me know all your ideas for a website name !!!

More photos are up in the Photo Gallery and all James links (reviews) are now in the reviews section ! All my non-online reviews will follow as soon as I have time to scan them !
Also the Greeting card service will be back soon , so look out for that !

Best is if you just take a look around and I´m sure you´ll find what you are looking for ! I´m happy about any good advice and praise or any ideas how I could improve the page ! Always remember that I have a guestbook where you can leave messages and I really like guestbook messages !!!
So happy surfing and I hope you enjoy my revised page for Mr. James Gillan !!!